Technical Issues

A patch which fixes the Fiction Viewer problem is now available from UE's downloads page :). We're working on updating the full install version too.
Whenever I try to run the game, I keep getting the message "lff::lff open file 'mission\enemy.srs' not found and not optional" can anyone explain what this is and how to fix it?

Thanks, by the way, for leading me to Secret Ops.
Scheherazade: Error 87 apparently means "Invalid Params", which isn't as helpful as i expected :( I get the impression that the 32-bit Z-Buffer isn't being created successfuly, although i have no idea why (we never got this problem during beta testing, so it's quite possible it's related to your card or card driver). I'll look into this more carefully during the weekend, see if i can find something useful.

Pulmonox: Looks like you didn't install UE in the directory where Secret Ops was installed. UE and Secret Ops need to be installed to the same directory, otherwise UE's TRE files won't load.

Originally posted by Quarto
Windows 2000? Wow, I thought WCP/SO doesn't work at all in it...

So I shouldn't be complaining that much and just be glad it goes at all? :)

I haven't been able to get prophecy to go properly, the cutscenes still give me trouble, but UE runs fine except for the crashes.
My problem isn't related to UE yet. I was installing SO on my computer and I get the message "This application has failed to start because glide2x.dll was not found. Re-installing program may fix this problem." I've tried re-installing ten times and the same thing happens. Whats up?:confused:
Originally posted by I'm thinkin...
My problem isn't related to UE yet. I was installing SO on my computer and I get the message "This application has failed to start because glide2x.dll was not found. Re-installing program may fix this problem." I've tried re-installing ten times and the same thing happens. Whats up?:confused:
It sounds like the game is trying to run in 3DFX mode and not finding the drivers... have you tried in D3D?
when I try to run ue in D3D I keep getting a "(GL:resize query failed)" error message although it does run it in software mode, any idea what can be causing this problem?
For some weird reason, or not, *Mission 10 link* doesn´t appear in the fiction viewer, just Prelude to Mission 9 and there are no scrool keys.
Hmm, I've just tried this, and I cannot find the problem. However, I did use the 1.01 version of the install file, and I know that you had used 1.00 plus the patch, so it could be a problem with the patch (although it shouldn't, really).

BTW, while this is a rather obvious question, did you actually go into the M9 fiction? The link to the next mission's fiction doesn't appear until you go into the fiction for whatever comes before it.

Anyway, since the new install file doesn't seem to have this problem, you could always try re-installing UE (this shouldn't affect your savegames, though it never hurts to make a backup).
Ok it is giving me a weird something error message and it has 120 in it, what the heck does is this mean?
It would have helped to know more details on this (where did the error occur, what options did you select on the UE launcher, etc). Taking a guess, however: if it occurs when trying to run the game, it should mean that "DirectDraw does not support the requested mode". Solution: switch to 16-bit mode and/or a lower resolution on the UE launcher.

Mario Brito
Well the launcher doesnt even work it says i am missing some MBDV or some long named dll file and the 120 error is when i run the exe it goes black like it's gonna load and then it somes up DD.......... something then 120
Stunner: if you can't get the Launcher to run, try editing ue_options.cfg manually. Change the numbers so they read:


This will setup UE to run at 640x480 in 16-bit D3D, which you shouldn't have a problem with. If you have a Glide card instead of a D3D one (you don't mention either way) make sure it reads:


which will set up UE to run at 640x480 in Glide mode.

(FYI, ue_options.cfg is usually written by the Launcher, and it's numbers have the following meaning: driver, resolution, figther_distance_patch_on/off, capship_distance_patch_on/off, asteroid_patch_limit [100 to 500 range, more than 500 is possible but heavily recommended against]. A patch in the UE dll then reads ue_options.cfg and patches the EXE on the fly with the given options)