Unknown Enemy
Hmm, I'm pretty sure that the intro ship and the Lexington in the game are both the same design, it's just that the Lexington model had to be simplified a lot so the game could handle it. This doesn't mean that the ship in the manual is the same class as the Lexington in the game, of course. After all, the Ranger and Concordia classes also look identical.Bandit LOAF said:I don't think the manual actually has the Lexington in it, though -- doesn't it have the green carrier from the intro and the cutscenes (a Bengal?)? The actual Lexington is shorter, gray-er and fatter.
Hmmmm. To be honest, I don't think it makes much sense to go with this interpretation... there's a lot of reasons why it would make more sense for the author to be referring to eight months after FA. At the same time, you're right that there really doesn't seem to be any other way to handle this, if there's to be a year between ER and FA.The decision we reached regarding this is that it was actually written *before* the carriers attacked Earth... 2669.330 would have been just after they'd been discovered, and the eight months could refer to the time the Concordia had spent inactive during the armistice.
Any such information about non-game ships would be extremely useful and appreciated .This isn't entirely canon, I suppose, but the WC Bible has a section on capital ship classes and their namesakes. It says the Trafalgar is part of a class of attack carriers named after famous sea battles (there's a second name given, which I don't know off hand -- I'll look it up at home). It also gives some limited stats (length and mass and such), if that'd help the project.