
you got exactly what I am talking about ;) With Radeon 9500 and never models will work fine. But even with Geforce 4 you will experience a few problems unles swe are using pcx maps. With TGA high res maps you will need a Radeon 9500 if you want to have decent frame rates (with Geforce 4 you have around 15fps, which is not enough).

Due to this fact we are adding pcx backgrounds as well. Result: 60 fps on older systems :D
an update!

Hello all, i've started work on my V.2 of my Tarsus. So far i'm much happier. Shooting again for just shy of 10,000. Still a bit to do yet, but..shouldn't be much longer till its done...hopefully.

Brad Mick

That looks great, Brad. I need to get back into this kind of stuff, but all I have is Blender/The Gimp at home, and Maya (on a crap SGI)/Photoshop (on a crap Mac) at work. Since I'm only proficient in Photoshop and 3ds MAX, I've got a ways to go...

...I could get VMWare, install an old DOS with Windows 3.11 (maybe) and install my ancient copy of 3d Studio R2...

...But I don't have the parallel port dongle anymore...
ahh..finished. here we go, next to texture.

Poly Count is at 6914....MUCH better over the other...especially for the amount of detail i think.

Brad Mick
