Sure to be riveting and powerful...

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LeHah said:
Kinda hard to vouch for the whole thing since everyone who was around back then is dead now

And I'm from Connecticut, Bob.

Not hardly, LeHah: They may be dead but they still speak: There's more documentation from antiquity about this man/event than any other of ancient times. Yet we easily accept the accounts of Homer & the Iliad, Julius Caesar, Aristotle, etc, while being skeptical of this. Go figure.

And...does the above mean you're a...a...a Huskies fan?...
Mav23 said:
Maybe they thought the hands were more poetic or something. I'm not sure which would hurt more....

Edit: Too bad I don't have an arch nemesis on these boards or I would attempt to find out.... :D

I don't know, but the Romans did it through the wrist at the exact spot so they didn't break any bones.

LeHa said:
Yeah, too bad someone named Martin Scorsese made this back in 1988

It was also his lowest profile movie, most people have never heard of "The Last Temptation."
T8H3X11: I strongly suggest moving out of your cave and/or forrest retreat and head to your closest Blockbuster. Movies that garnish "vociferously picketing upon release" means that plenty of people knew about it.

Preacher: Anything so old cannot be completely accurate. And I'm sure the Illiad is taken with about as much salt as the Trojan Horse. Skepticism is a fine attribute; it doesn't mean you don't have faith, it's simply challenging if what is handed down is what happened.
T8H3X11 said:
I don't know, but the Romans did it through the wrist at the exact spot so they didn't break any bones.

It was also his lowest profile movie, most people have never heard of "The Last Temptation."
It's possible to do so thru the hands & not break any bones, too (most likely between the 3rd & 4th metacarpal bones), but as I pointed out, it ain't/weren't too feasible

& yep, yer right; most folks (esp. those who were too young to really have been aware back then) prolly haven't heard of LTC, certainly as compared to his other flix, anyway...

LeHah said:
...Anything so old cannot be completely accurate...Skepticism is a fine attribute; it doesn't mean you don't have faith, it's simply challenging if what is handed down is what happened.
If standing by itself, then I'd agree that one must be skeptical of how accurate a single account of an event would be, esp. that long ago. But the mere age of an account isn't sufficient reason to dismiss its legitimacy. Just as in our modern systems of justice here in the 21st century, so also in courtroom of history: The more corroborating accounts of an event there are, the harder it is for skepticism to stand.

Fortunately, there's a plethora of corroborating accounts of this event that all agree w/ the gospel accounts in the basic facts of the case. Heck, even Josephus (ancient Jewish historian who wasn't particularly friendly towards the Christians) corroborates.

Also, I agree that skepticism is a good thing to have, generally speaking. Indeed, skepticism has oft been the jumpoff point for many who have come to faith. But as with other things in life, "all things in moderation": It needs to be a healthy skepticism; one honest enough to admit that it may be wrong, one that is open to being corrected in the face of sufficient convincing evidence. Dishonest skepticism (that which is skepticism for skepticism's sake, not willing/open to being proven wrong) is the real killer...
Yes, but if nailed to his hands it probably wouldn't support his weight (even with the feet nailed). Something else I noticed from the trailer was that he was both nailed and tied to the crossbar. This is not true, his hands were only nailed. The 2 to his left and right were tied however.

On a side note, I hadn't even heard of Scorsese until he started filming Gangs of New York.
My favorite Mel movie: Braveheart
My favorite movie of all time: Braveheart
My least favorite movie of all time: Braveheart

T8H3X11 said:
LeHa to you believe the biography of Julius Caesar? Seriously, I want to know.

I believe in physics, my ability to drink as an Irishman and that the only person who could kick my ass is Bruce Lee. Everything else is relative.

Preacher: If you left your comment at that first paragraph, I'd have surrendered my arguement.
If you can get close enough to me, lucky enough and if I'm sleeping... maybe...

Anyway, lets not turn this thread any stupider than it already is.
LeHah said:
I believe in physics, my ability to drink as an Irishman and that the only person who could kick my ass is Bruce Lee. Everything else is relative.

...Preacher: If you left your comment at that first paragraph, I'd have surrendered my arguement.
Yeah, well
"...I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a Constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot...opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days".

And, um, when exactly have you ever surrendered ANYthing?...
Mav23 said:
Well, last time I checked, we were in hell because someone's favorite movie is Braveheart... :confused:

Hehe..because he said, "Favorite Mel movie: Braveheart
Favorite Movie: Bravheart
Least Favorite Movie: Braveheart"
Yet we easily accept the accounts of Homer & the Iliad

No, they don't. They're full of cyclopses and monsters and underworlds and gods and godesses and what-not. We accept that they represent a real period in history, but I don't think anyone takes the Iliad or the Odyssey as anything close to a true story.
Bandit LOAF said:
...We accept that they represent a real period in history, but I don't think anyone takes the Iliad or the Odyssey as anything close to a true story.
Sorry; I guess I shoulda been more specific:
What I meant was, we accept unquestioningly that there WAS an ancient guy named Homer (not Simpson), who WAS the author of the works attributed to him.
And yet, the # of source documents that establish these truths pale in comparison to those of the life/crucifixion of JC.

?Mas claro ahora?...
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