Story IV

'Because' is such a horrible word to use in formal prose. Also, a captain being far enough away from his ship to not detect fighters in the area (not to mention the fact that the captain of a carrier was planning an attack on a smaller destroyer, instead of using his own vessel) could be considered a 'dereliction of duty' or something of the sort.

Where better to coordinate an attack than in person with the other particpants, also it reduces the chance of intercepted communications or scrambled comms.

Interesting story so far.
Oh yeah...

also you seem to ask for peoples opinions too much, you've a few stories that were interesting but stopped them at the beginning before we could where you were going because of a few people who didn't like it.
I've changed the location to the battlegroup flagship, the TCS Austin, he was discussing the attack with Admiral Tolwyn
Okay, being on the flagship is better . . .at least now theres a decent reason not to have the conference on the Claw.

Sylvester said:
What The Hell Happened To Bob?

Have you considered reading the sticky topics? They're there for a reason. That includes your inquiry for Secret Ops Episodes several days ago.