starwars galaxies

"but it could get out of hand the jedi might become so powerfull and so numerouse that even the empire wont be able to defeat them"

I don't know. That actually sounds quite interesting. I mean the galaxy is basically what you make it. If there are jedi everywhere then you could join the empire to rid the world of them.
or u could join the empire, and tryt to take over? that may be fun, i know id go dark jedi, and kill the imps and take over and be a huge crime boss and every1 would bow to me.


*cough* sorry
I bought the Galaxies boxed set yesterday and will hopefully be getting a computer to run it within the next 2 months.
I don't think force powers should allowed it would make the game kinda unfair.But to owned a lightsaber would be neat and wouldn't make the game unfair.

Is there any good fan sites on the net yet where I can find out what planets,weapons,characters and etc are in the game? tells everything you need to know.

Force powers aren't cheap at all. Jedi are extremely, extremely rare in the game and chances are you'll never even meet one. Also theres a "3 strikes" rule - if you're training to be a Jedi or are a knight, if you die 3 times, you lose your character and have to start over from scratch.
LeHah said:
Force powers aren't cheap at all. Jedi are extremely, extremely rare in the game and chances are you'll never even meet one. Also theres a "3 strikes" rule - if you're training to be a Jedi or are a knight, if you die 3 times, you lose your character and have to start over from scratch.

And they still have to model all those powers. Well, maybe it's better than the force-push fests of Jedi Knight II.
I'm pretty sure all the powers are done, just secreted away on the server.
well there has been speculation about force powers, i have read that its like having a marker on your head, any1 can gun for u if u use the force and while it may take 25 ppl to kill u, if u die as a jedi master u become a blue ghosty.

it is also speculated that it could take upwards of a yr for a HARDCORE gamer to become a jedi master and over 3 yrs for just a normal gamer.......the fact that it might take u 8 months to get to jedi knight would be cool, but if u get killed u have to start all over again, can u imagine how pissed ud be? so i think that would keep numbers down too.

also its been said that somthing like 1 out of every 100 gamers could be a jedi, which out of 10 thousand would only be 100 jedi..... even if the game has 100,000 ppl in it thats only 1000 jedi.

and also jedi hunters would be everywhere, imagine the prestige it would be to kill a jedi, or become a bounty hunter and bring 1 into the empire or somthing? it may take 10 full armed fully qualified bounty hunters to get him, but there may be a million credit reward on him... thats gonna make alotta ppl go after him.

in all i think alot of ppl who can be jedi will try it and if they die will give it up, 3 strikes your out and if u die at master its permenant, and while u can go anywhere as a jedi ghost u cant live as such.

thast just what a fe ppl think about the jedi and how it may turn out like
Jedi initiates (Im not sure if the term "padawan" is used, as masters are hard to find in that era and people like Kyle Katarn are largely trained by themselves) and knights die 3 times before starting from the beginning. Masters, after 3 deaths, turn into the blue ghosts.
actually leaha i heard that 3 times death for jedi initiate or knight is perme death, death for a master even once is blue ghosty who can travle all over eveywhere, watch everything doesn tneed to worry bout mind power of health or food or weapons.

how cool would it be watching ppl like palpitine do there buisnesse
it may well get old, but then u can always create a new charecter, thats the beauty of it, u can go around perfecting 1 charecter or create multiple 1s after u finish