212 Squadron - "The Old Man's Eyes And Ears"
Maj.Striker said:Still a sweet film in my opinion. Perhaps it might be one of those things like "The Empire Strikes Back" when that came out there was a lot of confusion about what was going on...things came together pretty well in Return of the Jedi.
Attack Of The Clones has everything I'd want in a movie, since I'm a Star Wars fanboy. Speeder chases, giant climactic battles involving thousands of soldiers, a badass bounty hunter, a John Williams score, Obi-Wan whoopin people's asses. To top it off, the introduction of Christopher Lee in the series, and on paper it would've been my favorite movie of the year. But leave it to Lucas to drop the ball.
Too many things happen in this movie (love story / political corruption / bounty hunter / clone war / detective story / unification of factions into the CIS) and all of it happens in an overlapping fashion. I can't tell you how I loathed the editing in this movie (how does one make the most unexciting chase sequence ever? Turn down the sound on 47 time nominated John Williams, crank up the sound effects and keep cutting the film all over the place so it's either wide-angled stuff you can't make out or super close-up reaction shots. Boy, thanks Ben Burtt. Asshole.)
The movie just left me saying "Who cares?". Some people try to validate the movie by saying "Oh, well, the pay-off is in the next movie" but there was resolution in Empire Strikes Back, it just left you with a cliffhanger. It just seemed like Lucas was cramming everything and the kitchen sink into the script to get loose ends from Episode I cleared up and set up the foundation for Episode III - nothing else.
(I hate hate hated Yoda's fight. It seemed so lowly for a Jedi Master of his stature ((if you'll pardon the pun)) to be using a Lightsaber. Yoda is suppose to be all-powerful and he resorts to physical violence? I was hoping for something more like the final battle in Dark City - willpower against willpower.)
I like Episode I. I understand why people hate Jar Jar - but he doesn't have any pull on the original trilogy, so his appearance doesn't matter much as opposed to the awful Jake Lloyd. But even him I can't discredit - he was a freaking kid in a Star Wars movie. Of course he's going to suck eggs - not everyone is born a Haley Joel Osmett. But at least Episode I had a point, had some vaugely interesting characters, had a discernable "point A to point B" plot and had some payoff at the end - I challange anyone to tell me that the lightsaber fight wasn't beautifully done and that the starfighter sequence wasn't some of the best space battle stuff we've ever seen.
I'm hoping Episode III is the best but, crap, I've never, ever had much affection for Lucas as a director. I've never fully embraced the idea of prequels since they announced them - they could be the most amazing movies ever but they're not the originals, so of course they'll "fail". Everyone is a critic.