Star Trek XI Teaser

I don't believe I ever saw a *ranking* Commodore or Fleet Captain on TNG. You may be confusing Commodore with Rear Admiral? (I believe Commodore is used to tell apart from a ship's assigned captain and a second equal ranking officer on the bridge?)

Niether one were in TNG. The admiral ranks were TNG, "Fleet Captain" and Commodore were TOS.
I am kind of disappointed that it's apparently 'on Earth', as open as the canon is on the subject. I remember being five years old and having my dad explain to me that the Enterprise was SO big that it had to be built in space. So if it isn't something from the original series it's at least something that's been in our collective consciousnesses for a long time.

One of the books I read years ago had a part about the refit and the saucer section and disconnected and landed on year for part of the refit and painting
I can't remember which book that was though
There's certaintly a lot more stresses involved in entering atmosphere versus exiting atmosphere, especially if the ship in question can't generate enough thrust to control the descent.

plus, taking sections of it up to orbit and assembling is different from the assembled ship coming back into a gravity well and atmosphere
One of the books I read years ago had a part about the refit and the saucer section and disconnected and landed on year for part of the refit and painting
I can't remember which book that was though

I also remember reading something bout the kirks first Enterprise being able to disconect the saucer section for emergencys only as it couldnt dock back again
No, as in old-as-dirt Spock. There's going to be two Spocks (the other is the young-whippersnapper Spock, who is illogical and rash, and a terrible womanizer).

...Tell me either you're joking, or mirrorverse is involved in this. I've never heard of a "young spock" or any of this weirdness, in my admittedly short lifespan.
I also remember reading something bout the kirks first Enterprise being able to disconect the saucer section for emergencys only as it couldnt dock back again

Thats very true... I believe its mentioned in an episode, though I can't remember the name of it, however the idea was that the ship could separate, but it was only in emergeancy situations, like perhaps to use the saucer as a lifeboat in the event of a warp core breach or something.

The first ship to really test the whole saucer seperation/reintegration technology, if I'm not mistaken, was the old Oberth class (see USS Grisom ST3 Search for Spock).
...Tell me either you're joking, or mirrorverse is involved in this. I've never heard of a "young spock" or any of this weirdness, in my admittedly short lifespan.

I'm serious and I'm joking, all at once. I mean, really, do I have to spell out in dry detail that if Spock travels back in time to the early days of the Federation he will have to run into past-Spock due to required sci-fi cliches? Or that past-Spock would be younger than time-traveller Spock? And that it's cheaper to hire a second actor than have Leonard Nimoy go through billions of dollars of plastic surgery? I'd have to be some narcissistic fool who likes to read his own posts in order to do that... oh...
I didn't read anything blacked out in the spoilers because I didn't want to be spoiled, if you're mocking me for having not read something. I was referring mainly to the womanizing stuff, however. If that part were true- Spock acting decidedly non-Spockish for no good reason- I'd skip the movie. But, whatever. Thank you for the heart-attack ;)
I have absolutely no idea where the Spock-not-acting-like-Spock stuff comes from. The only information revealed is that the film involves Spock in two different time periods played by two different actors.