Those are hardly conflicting statements.
Frakes is busy directing the upcoming Thunderbirds movie.
Those are hardly conflicting statements.
Frakes is busy directing the upcoming Thunderbirds movie.
The problem with Star Trek is Brandon and Braga. They effectively are in charge of the while franchise. Guess what? They don't *CARE* about Star Trek (hell, they don't *LIKE* it), (think "Get a life"). They just know that there's a huge crowd out there who at the mention of Star Trek would open their wallets and start spending money. They know they're sitting on a cash cow and all they have to do is milk it.
Ferrrengi and Borg on Enterprise? Bizarre.
Bandit LOAF said:you wouldn't have heard about this one if Activision hadn't decided they wanted you to.)
Bandit LOAF said:The Enterprise Borg episode ('Regeneration'?) was one of the best uses of the Borg in a long, long time.
Wow, and I posted that link here for free. BTW, I wonder if they paid the guys at PA for doing that strip.
It's a good thing, however, that you know about Activision's evil frivolous lawsuit and evil internet marketing scheme. Perhaps you could tell that the Viacom's lawyers.
Bandit LOAF said:Both you and the guys at PA are victims of a deliberate PR scheme, though -- they put out a press release about this (released to genre-outlets!) with the specific intent of stirring up public interest.
Bandit LOAF said:It's not some kind of evil scheme... it's just part of how this game is played.
It would be possible for bugs to show up in a WC prequel. A bug ship wanders in and blows away a few ships or something, no survivors. No one can explain the disappearance. It ends up being blamed on the Kilrathi. No one is the wiser.
This plan of Viacom's may be working. I was going to wait for the price of EF2 to come down to about $20 before buying it. But if they decide to stop making it anymore, I may have to buy it before then so the stock doesn't run out and I end up empty handed.
Delance said:When it comes to stupid lawsuits, there have been worse. Like when FASA sued SimTex (or their parent companies) on that game "Mech Lords" because of the "Mech Thing". It was renamed to "Metal Lords" and later cancelled.
You know, I always assumed that was the Mantu, but I guess the Nephilim would make sense too. So who do you think the Kilrathi were more concerned with, Nephilim or Mantu? The Nephilim the Kilrathi seemed to demonize and make them into the Kilrahti equivalent of Lucifer or their version of the second coming, in any way, part of their religion. The Mantu it seems the Kilrahti still consider "mortal" or "just another enemy" they could actually defeat, even though the Mantu were far superior to them at the point of their first contact. The Nephilim actually fought the Kilrathi at one point though and the only reason they took off was to face another, more pressing enemy, I think (same thing the Kilrathi sortof did with Confed throughout the War according to some sources). Anyway, who do you think is the larger threat in the Kilrathi's eyes?Bandit LOAF said:To wit, the bugs are mentioned several times in WC's prequel novel Action Stations.
Dralthi5 said:Yeah. It was no First Contact, but I enjoyed it.
Does anyone know how Nemesis fared at the Box Office? Did it do worse than Insurrection (IMO, the worst ST flick since The Final Frontier)?
T8H3X11 said:It wasn't like Nemesis was terrible, it was pretty good. It just wasn't up to par with Generations and First Contact. Now the best Trek movie is IV: The Undiscovered Country, hands down.
KHHHHHAAAAAAAAN! KHHHHHAAAAAAN!Dragonflight said:As for best Trek movie? Trek 2: the Wrath of Khan. Why? The acting was a level above most of the later films. There was a sense of scale at work too. Plus, Khan and Kirk had an incredible synergy going with their private war that the later movies lack.Dragonflight