Crazy J said:
Didn't it annoy you to no end during the Dominion War episodes to see massive hordes of Excelsiors and Miranda's, but rarely see any of the really cool ships, like (for example) the Akira and Steamrunner? Yeah, we saw a few Galaxy's and Nebula's but it's not like they haven't been around before. How many of these ships do they have; they must have gone through several thousand of them during the entire war just by what we saw on DS9.
Its worth noting that DS9 largely takes place around the same time as TNG, in other words, the borg threat was only just being noticed. The Akira, Sovereign, Defiant, Steam-Runner and Sabre class vessels were only just coming out of the development labs, so to speak. That would have meant very limited production for largely anti-borg vessels especially since they weren't fighting the borg.
Once again you've brought up the fleets of Galaxy, Excelsior, Nebula and Miranda classes.. but they had been in production for quite some time
prior to DS9 so it only fits they would have masses of those vessels, even after Wolf 359, and with ongoining production of these highly capable vessels.
And even on the final battle of the series, they didnt have a 1,000+ strong fleet of front line vessels (Miranda, Excelsior, Galaxy, Nebula, Defiant, Akira, Sovereign, Steam-Runner, Sabre), it was augmented by older vessels (Constution Class), modified research vessels (Oberth Class), and Klingon and Romulan ships. Besides, several thousand "ships of the line" from a mere seven (Original series) in 100 years is near impossible, even in this fictional universe.