Star Trek: Favorite Class...

Iceyl86 said:
Have you ever actually seen TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise"!? Its clearly stated as an ambassador class!!!

Wow...I have no clue how I missed this one.

Gee, no, I've never seen ANY Star Trek...I just pretend. :rolleyes: Good thing this dude's not around anymore, else I'd say that I OWN the episode, along with a few others. And nowhere in the episode was it stated that the Enterprise-C was an Ambassador-class ship.

Oh, wait...I guess I just DID say that, huh...?
Icey was never really worth the effort of correcting. You just kind of nod politely, knit your brow like you're deep in thought of whatever nonsense he's talking about when you're actually thinking about what you're going to have for dinner.
And now for something somewhat different...

LeHah said:
Icey was never really worth the effort of correcting. You just kind of nod politely, knit your brow like you're deep in thought of whatever nonsense he's talking about when you're actually thinking about what you're going to have for dinner.

*Chuckle* Nice.

I dunno, there's something about nonsensical folks that makes me want to put 'em in their place. Eh...oh well.

On an entirely different subject, but still in Trek, I came across this a few days ago:

They definitely saved the best for last here.
Tigerhawk said:
I dunno, there's something about nonsensical folks that makes me want to put 'em in their place. Eh...oh well.

Being a nonsensical person myself, I find that arguing with myself to put myself in my place is pretty redundant. And once you realize that, you stop trying to do the same with others of that ilk.
1: Constitution Class: Starfleets Most famous and durable design lasted for about 50 yrs

2: Galaxy Class: Well not as heavily armed as it's Klingon/Romulan counterparts these babys could hold their own in most situations, played pivital roles in the Dominion War, The Galaxy Wings accounted for over 15 percent of Dominion Losses.

3: Soveriegn Class: One of the Three Ship designs in the Anti Borg Program, Armed with Quantum Torpedos, class 12 Phaser banks and heavier Armor and shields then the Galaxy Class. This ship can take a pounding and still keep fighting.

4: Defient Class: Starfleets first pure Combat ship. Originaly designed to combat the Borg. Equipped with Pulse Phasers, Quantom Torpedos, Ablative Armor, and a Romulan Cloaking device. A tough little ship.
I say Miranda Class.

From the same era as the Excelsior and Enterprise A, its construction was continued on and on.. it saw construction and use in the dominion war, and never was formally decomissioned. Minituarisation has allowed for larger cargo holds, and the ships itself is easily refitted.

On a side note, it gave birth to several other classes of varying roles in starfleet and independant fleets.
My favorites are the Akira-class and the Steamrunner-class ships. Both look like they're ready to kick ass.
Sibb Tigre said:
I say Miranda Class.

From the same era as the Excelsior and Enterprise A, its construction was continued on and on.. it saw construction and use in the dominion war, and never was formally decomissioned. Minituarisation has allowed for larger cargo holds, and the ships itself is easily refitted.

On a side note, it gave birth to several other classes of varying roles in starfleet and independant fleets.
ohh yes, the Reliant class had one heck of a "loud" start. so loud you could hear the yell through the crust of Regula 1 going "KKHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN !!!!!"

sorry, cant resist bringing that dudes name up but yes the Reliant class is also good, but i still stand by my original decision of the Intrepid class.
"Miranda class" is something they came up with later on -- people called it "Reliant class" in 1982.

I always liked the USS Grissom in Star Trek III... it's a cute little ship and a nice idea, having an entirely science-specific starship.
Bandit LOAF said:
I always liked the USS Grissom in Star Trek III... it's a cute little ship and a nice idea, having an entirely science-specific starship.

Yeah, I think the 'variants' introduced in the movies were really cool. There was the Reliant, the Grissom, and that upside-down-shuttle freighter thing in V. Each of which "returned" in Next Generation either in their original form or slightly modified.
Bandit LOAF said:
"Miranda class" is something they came up with later on -- people called it "Reliant class" in 1982.

I always liked the USS Grissom in Star Trek III... it's a cute little ship and a nice idea, having an entirely science-specific starship.

Very true. Nice mission-specific ship was a great name to it.
I have this odd preference for the underdog... so Ambassador is one of my favorites. It had plenty of firepower and shielding (according do DITL, about as much as the Nebula), and it just had that deception aspect to it. It's got about the wussiest name, but it'll beat you senseless in no time. Enterprise-C took on 4 Romulan warbirds. Yeah, it went down, but how many ships can honestly attempt to stand toe-to-toe with 4 warbirds? No Excelsior or Miranda would have done that!

Didn't it annoy you to no end during the Dominion War episodes to see massive hordes of Excelsiors and Miranda's, but rarely see any of the really cool ships, like (for example) the Akira and Steamrunner? Yeah, we saw a few Galaxy's and Nebula's but it's not like they haven't been around before. How many of these ships do they have; they must have gone through several thousand of them during the entire war just by what we saw on DS9.

Another favored ship of mine is hands down the Akira. It's a torpedo boat. We all know how powerful torpedoes are, and this thing has fifteen burst-fire tubes... who wants to be on the recieving end of that barrage?

I also like some of the Cardassian ships - again with that underdog factor, but they actually have a very... alien design about them that quite a few other trek ships really lack.
Crazy J said:
Didn't it annoy you to no end during the Dominion War episodes to see massive hordes of Excelsiors and Miranda's, but rarely see any of the really cool ships, like (for example) the Akira and Steamrunner?

Eh, I stopped watching DS9 not long after that big Cardassian & Romulan fleet went to take on the dominion and got annihilated, but I would guess that the Akira and Steamrunner class were just coming online like the Defiant, while the Excelsior and Miranda classes had been in service for a long time and were plentiful.
Crazy J said:
Didn't it annoy you to no end during the Dominion War episodes to see massive hordes of Excelsiors and Miranda's, but rarely see any of the really cool ships, like (for example) the Akira and Steamrunner? Yeah, we saw a few Galaxy's and Nebula's but it's not like they haven't been around before. How many of these ships do they have; they must have gone through several thousand of them during the entire war just by what we saw on DS9.

Its worth noting that DS9 largely takes place around the same time as TNG, in other words, the borg threat was only just being noticed. The Akira, Sovereign, Defiant, Steam-Runner and Sabre class vessels were only just coming out of the development labs, so to speak. That would have meant very limited production for largely anti-borg vessels especially since they weren't fighting the borg.

Once again you've brought up the fleets of Galaxy, Excelsior, Nebula and Miranda classes.. but they had been in production for quite some time prior to DS9 so it only fits they would have masses of those vessels, even after Wolf 359, and with ongoining production of these highly capable vessels.

And even on the final battle of the series, they didnt have a 1,000+ strong fleet of front line vessels (Miranda, Excelsior, Galaxy, Nebula, Defiant, Akira, Sovereign, Steam-Runner, Sabre), it was augmented by older vessels (Constution Class), modified research vessels (Oberth Class), and Klingon and Romulan ships. Besides, several thousand "ships of the line" from a mere seven (Original series) in 100 years is near impossible, even in this fictional universe.
Crazy J said:
I also like some of the Cardassian ships - again with that underdog factor, but they actually have a very... alien design about them that quite a few other trek ships really lack.

The design seems to be very scorpion-like in nature, giving them a menacing feel and look.
TopGun said:
I'm a fan of the Sovereign myself

There were quite a few seen during the Dominion War including the Valiant (seen in the episode of the same name) and the Sao Sao Paulo (renamed Defiant in honour of the original Defiant). There were also 2 seen the Voyager episode Message in a Bottle

I agree, the Soverign is a beautiful piece of work. I'd trade a whole fleet of ships for one of those things... or the 'future enterprise' from the series Enterprise where archer is taken to the war in the future (which was the beginning of the temporal cold-war... darn time travel is confusing, the war begins after it ends??) where the Federation helps defeat the sphere builders.