Star*Soldier Continuity & Reference Breakdown

Other random speculative stuff...

Yeah, hopping onboard this thread a week late or so, but figured I'd chime in with a few things that made me contemplate things:

The obvious - characters like Maniac and Bear lived to the "present" (ads for both on the 15th page .pdf). Of course there's the Grayson Burrows Wanted poster at the tail-end as well, but thanks to the top dogs here at the CIC, we knew about that one even before we had access to the manual, so no great big revelation there. :)

One of the more interesting little tidbits I came across was far more subtle, though. In the lengthy pilot kill list (10th page of .pdf specifically) - second column, 2/3rds of the way down - Jennifer "Phoenix" Blair. Might just be a common name in the Wing Commander universe, but as Blair is listed on the Encyclopedia link off the CIC as having no close relatives, and in light of the history of Blair's character at one point being considered to use the callsign "Phoenix" before they went with "Maverick," and the short timeframe between the events of Prophecy and Arena, I find it a curious thing to speculate about. Wife maybe? And if that's the case, does that mean Blair survived? Or is this just one of those little nuggets they threw in there just as a little wink to the WC community over the whole "Phoenix" / "Maverick" thing from back when?

(Also, WC-unrelated random little tidbit that always seemed funny to my quirky little brain: Mark Hamill did voice-over work for two brothers in the game Starsiege, one of which went by the callsign "Phoenix"....the poor guy just cannot get away from that bird, can he?) :)

- Falc
I don't know if somebody has already posted this and I missed it or if everybody already did by himself but I did translate the Kilrathi signs of the "Gar's Emporium"-ad.

It says:

We've kind of let this thread slack a little bit. Still have quite a few pages to breakdown here guys. :)
Midway Class MegaCarriers Status

I put (?) after most of these because I think we can only definitively know about the ones that Chandra knows for sure. The destruction of the the Sirius wormhole apparently stranded at least the TCS Port Broughton and Bataan in alien territory for sure. The others are either the also lost in alien space, destroyed or still defending Confed space.

TCS Midway - Active (?)
TCS Mistral Sea - Lost
TCS Tafanda Bay - Active(?)
TCS Coral Sea - Active(?)
TCS Jutland - Lost
TCS Ptoloman's Rift - Active(?)
TCS Enyo III - Active(?)
TCS Bataan - Lost in alien territory
TCS Tripoli - Possibly lost but no news to author
TCS Port Broughton - Active as space habitat

That's a Star Wars reference.

The Tafanda Bay is an Ithorian Herdship.

I know this thread is a little older (Last year) But I read on page 50 that also it seems the Old Confederation has been dissolved or restructured, by a line that reads as follows "On the opposite bulkhead a sloppy coat of grey matte barely obscures the nine-pointed star of the New Confederation." Any thoughts?
There are several references to the 'New Confederation' in the manual - it seems to have been a short-lived local government, unrelated to whatever is going on at the homeworlds.

Two references from the travel article:

"For a time it formed the center of a seven system alliance known as the “New Confederation”. Like the political alliances it came to represent, the carrier fell into disrepair without support from the core worlds."
HCl reference?

From the ad for the Arrow Eclipse, opposite the table of contents, on pdf pg 2.

Just under the cockpit view shots, which look like they're modified from Armada (Though it's been a while since I've looked around in an arrow in Armada. I'll rectify that later some time)

"*2654 Starfighter Magazine, 10Best, Best light fighter - Mario Brito"

That is Mario "HCl" Brito, if I am not mistaken, yes? :)
You are correct! There are several such references to prominent fan project developers -- but none is so deserving as HCl!

The cockpit shots are, indeed, from Armada -- that's the only game where there's a "rear" view which shows the Arrow's seat.
After posting that, I took a quick trip through the Confed Gauntlet in Armada, and had a look around my Arrow. It was certainly interesting to see those images in S*S, unmodified, even.
I loved the fact that the showed Dralthis over the years. I tried to guess which Dralthi was from WCP. I thought it was the Dralthi III, but it was IV. I forgot that the Dralthi IV is what the one in WCP is called. They look so identical.
I don't think the Dralthi III was ever in anything. I think they just made it as an example of what the silhouette progression would be.
It is possible that they will make Arena add-ons and a new S*S? Like you can buy new areas and power-ups and ships, and they will make a new Star*Soldier to explain the new things plus stuff they said they will put in (from the current issue).
I'm not privy to that sort of information - but the likelyhood of DLC decreases as you get further from the original release.
One of the more interesting little tidbits I came across was far more subtle, though. In the lengthy pilot kill list (10th page of .pdf specifically) - second column, 2/3rds of the way down - Jennifer "Phoenix" Blair. Might just be a common name in the Wing Commander universe, but as Blair is listed on the Encyclopedia link off the CIC as having no close relatives, and in light of the history of Blair's character at one point being considered to use the callsign "Phoenix" before they went with "Maverick," and the short timeframe between the events of Prophecy and Arena, I find it a curious thing to speculate about. Wife maybe? And if that's the case, does that mean Blair survived? Or is this just one of those little nuggets they threw in there just as a little wink to the WC community over the whole "Phoenix" / "Maverick" thing from back when?

Necro posting :D

Was reading the Confed Handbook yesterday, IIRC Jennifer Blair was Blair´s aunt.