Standoff Episode 2 - certainly not disappointing

Lazy Panda

Greetings to the Standoff crew,

After celebrating live on #wingnut, I immediately started to play the new Standoff episode, and it is too awesomee to get any sleep now. The Standoff crew clearly managed to create some retro-style feelings: My ship feels actually deadly now, having their firepower effectively doubled. And not only that, the wingmen actually kill something, in fact, without their helped, I'd had been screwed on the Rapier Rescue. Afterburners kick in real fast, and you actually have to aim without the ITTS on the Gladius.


As I started my first new mission, my first thought on enemy sighting was "OMGWTF GOTHRI?!?!?", but I was suprised to see how relatively fast they can be killed compared to the Ep. 1 release. Normally I try to keep everyone alive, but I feel that it's just futile on sorties like Ep2 Mission2, where you get swarmed by Gothri in an all-out battle with their and your reinforcements coming. The mission after that is a real ship buster as well: Wingmen can down Kamekhs quick enough, but get ripped up easily by Standoff-style flak guns. I never actually engaged the enemy corvettes, I was busy fighting fighters and just as I got the last one, they blew up both Kamekhs. Didn't even have a single Gladius on the wing after Ep2 Mission4 for the same reason (flak guns).


I'm yet to test out the simulator, the missions look promising. I think I've seen some kind of bug with the Morningstar. With it, you can switch between Particle Cannons and Full Guns for whatever reason. As you change the setting, it seems that the left gun gets placed slightly above the other two, which looks like the when firing: -__

Greetings from a sleepless Lazy Panda.
Just finished it myself. I think I did quite well, ended with 11 each of Gladii and Stiletto's, and 16 Rapiers, and 90 kills(on default Ace difficulty). Excellent game all around, I love having to actually worry about my shields and avoid enemy fire as best as I can, it makes each kill worth that much more.
Lazy Panda said:
I'm yet to test out the simulator, the missions look promising. I think I've seen some kind of bug with the Morningstar. With it, you can switch between Particle Cannons and Full Guns for whatever reason. As you change the setting, it seems that the left gun gets placed slightly above the other two, which looks like the when firing: -__

Well, that happened to be one of those quirky bugs we simply couldn't fix. It also happened to be the bug which we didn't expect people to notice, at least, not for a while. Congratulations on finding it within the first few seconds. :P
Sarty said:
Just finished it myself. I think I did quite well, ended with 11 each of Gladii and Stiletto's, and 16 Rapiers, and 90 kills(on default Ace difficulty). Excellent game all around, I love having to actually worry about my shields and avoid enemy fire as best as I can, it makes each kill worth that much more.
You finished it all already ? Now delete your savegames and start over form the Prologue. It's slightly different now, with the lastest improvements from Episode 2... and don't forget to tell us what you think of the simulator missions !
Yes got my Raptor baby back!!! And Ferret and Hornet :)

Well guys, you all did a great Job and it even felt alot better then Episode I, and the Mass Driver are usefull now :) .

Only thing i didn't like was, only flying two ships, Stilletos (i hate those) and Gladii (aren't my fav either but at least gun power) but we had three ship types on board, damn i wished i could get hand on one of the Rapiers instead of Stilletos.

To the Simulator i can't tell much just tried Mission 1 a little to test out ships, i missed so long. Which leaves me a few Questions:

Why does the Hornet have Neutron Guns instead of Lasers?

Jalthi seem to got a mix of gun too, but i'm not sure.

The Broadsword has his gun missplaced (like a poster wrote above, but didn't had the problem with the Morningstar though)

The Raptor gun placement isn't made fo a game were you need convergence. The outer guns shots far above the target.

though these aren't really important stuff aslong you don't fly these ships in the main game.

Can't wait for EPIII.

Thank you,
Icefire out
PopsiclePete said:
You finished it all already ? Now delete your savegames and start over form the Prologue. It's slightly different now, with the lastest improvements from Episode 2... and don't forget to tell us what you think of the simulator missions !

Actually I did play through the prologue, I formatted my computer last month and didn't save my prologue game. :D

Edit: I'll move on to the simulator now
My sim only has the Rapier, Epee, Stilleto, Morningstar and Crossbow availible. What am I doing wrong?
Very wonderful, nice job, especially the conversations, the awesome ship models, and as usual really fun music. I was pretty surprised and honored to find my name in the credits, though, did you use a tool of mine or something? Anyway, I'll have to try the sim missions soon. Congrats, and keep up the great work. What tool did you use for the lip sync/ 3d character animation.
Unregistered said:
My sim only has the Rapier, Epee, Stilleto, Morningstar and Crossbow availible. What am I doing wrong?

You need to use the alswantsmoreships cheat to get the other ships.
eddieb said:
I was pretty surprised and honored to find my name in the credits, though, did you use a tool of mine or something?
Yep, your alpha extractor. IIRC, you even released a new version with some changes by my request, so you definitely deserved a mention :).

Icefire69 said:
Only thing i didn't like was, only flying two ships, Stilletos (i hate those) and Gladii (aren't my fav either but at least gun power) but we had three ship types on board, damn i wished i could get hand on one of the Rapiers instead of Stilletos.
I'm sure there's a lot of people out there thinking the same thing. This was intentional, though - once things start heating up, you definitely won't be able to fly a Stiletto or Gladius (...and live). So we decided that if this is going to be the last opportunity to fly them, then they will be all that you fly.

(actually, it's not quite the last opportunity... but yeah, from episode 3 onwards you can expect a lot more Rapier missions)

Why does the Hornet have Neutron Guns instead of Lasers?
Because this isn't 2654 any more :).

Jalthi seem to got a mix of gun too, but i'm not sure.
Naturally, a Jalthi has three lasers and three neutrons, like the WC1 manual says. I like the no ITTS, and the sim missions are great. The selective difficulty is a good idea. On top of that the fact that I can talk to people in the laounge is pretty good. Overall this is the highest quality mod yet.
Anyone have a time machine?

Just finished it (replayed the prologue too) and it is as I had feared ...
This is soo good, I'm going to spend the next (6?) month in agony, waiting for the next episode. :D
btw, if you can use another voice actor, let me know how I can sign up. I want to do my part for confed.

P.S. : I loved hearing the death screams from wc3 again (I have been cheated of my victory, and my personal favorite : Bèèèèèèèèhhhh!!!)
If it makes you feel better, episode 2 wasn't supposed to be released eight months after episode 1... and we're hoping that kind of huge time slip-up won't happen with episode 3.
Quarto said:
If it makes you feel better, episode 2 wasn't supposed to be released eight months after episode 1... and we're hoping that kind of huge time slip-up won't happen with episode 3.
That actually does make me feel better, thx !
In the mean time I've started with the sim missions & I'm having a blast !
I've got the timing down of how many shots you can fire before you have to take evasive action (when a wave is first approaching), but I'm still using too much afterburner fuel.
I don't think I'll be able to make it to wave 15 anytime soon to get more fuel
Man, this mod is REALLY awesome! I loved the storyline and the gameplay, and the music is simply everything I could ever hope for!

By the way, on the first mission of Ep. 2, I found a hostile Free Trader named "Open Source" that sounded something like hackers or so. I hope I didn't miss any dialogue when all those half a dozen Gladii I had on tow shot it down in mere seconds... Was it just some Easter Egg, or bringing it down will affect the story in any way?
HOLY SHIT! This is the best mod I've played in a long time. I still hate the Gladii and Stilettos, but I was kicking some serious kitty ass, though half my wing was gone.
Episode 2 was most excellent! A wee bit short (and too easy even on level above ace) but great neverless!

Finally the ships has serious weapons that are actually effective.

A question:
I think 1 of the ships has no computer assisted targetting reticule - is this a bug?

I rather liked looking at the kirathi cap ships, in fact I havent seen those cap ships in years since playing wc1,2 - and it looks very authentic.

Keep up the great work, hope to see ep3 when the ground starts to thaw :p