Originally posted by Concordia
Honestly if I was the one making the choices, I would have simply made the F-23 with modified nozzles to make it more like the F-22, re-designed the nose (in that one respect it was LESS stealthy than the F-22, otherwise it was stealthier in all aspects... with a modified nose, it would have been more stealthy), and used the F-120 engine (Variable cycle: Think of it like a turbofan that can transform into a Turbojet; to the more educated: A turbofan which can vary it's bypass ratio).
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
God damn stupid freaking air force. If *I* were in charge, they'd have the F-24, which would be like an F-22 and, like, six F-23s together. Except it's made entirely out of cake, and it's invisible to the human eye. And instead of bombs it has one of those whistles that makes dogs attack you. Those exist, right?
God damn stupid freaking navy. If *I* were in charge, they'd have the giant battleship, which would be like an ironclad and, like, six man-o-wars together. Except it's made entirely out of cake, and it's invisible to the human eye. And instead of shells it has one of those whistles that makes sea snakes attack you. Those exist, right?
Originally posted by Rambo_UK
The angles of the surfaces of the YF-23 are all the same, a design for pure stealth. The intakes are better hidden. The vertical surfaces of the tail are at a shallower angle, better for stealth. The curved surfaces, like the shapes of the B-2, are all designed primarilly for their stealth aspects, unlike the F-22. The heat signature of the exhausts is probably lower, too, but that precluded thrust vectoring. In all likelihood the YF-23 was faster as well, but since ultimate top speed is almost irrelevant now, this wasn't as important as the ability for supercruise. The YF-23 looks like it has a lower drag profile (and thus probably a longer range) but the F-22 a better power to weight ratio as it is a smaller aircraft - which would also increase agility. I still believe cost and ease of manufacture played a part too - if the F-22 is that expensive, and was probably the cheaper of the two you can imagine the unit cost of the F-23! If the Navy were to but a Navalised version, the smaller, lighter A/C would again be at an advantage as the days of the F-14 and other A/C that can't land on with a full warload are long gone. I don't think they will because Naval aircraft these days are going back to the old ideas of a jack of all trades - which the best fighters of all time have been. The F-22, optimised as it is for A2A with little or no ground attack capability doesn't have this.
i guess "super-sub-sonic" didn't sound sarcastic enough...Originally posted by Delance
Superior on just one role. Try to intercept supersonic fighters with the A-10.
Originally posted by Happy
i guess "super-sub-sonic" didn't sound sarcastic enough...
Originally posted by twiligh81
As is usual the primary reason why the YF-22 was picked over the YF-23 has little to do with performance and everything to do with money and politics.
The navy had it's own super-fighter in development before the ATF, but they ran into a few technological SNAFUs, and before they could fix them, congress droped the axe on the project.
The Air Force didnt want the same to happen to the ATF, so altho the YF-23 was in several ways superior to the YF-22, the 22 was more conventional, and therefore more likely to complete its development without any major delays, and therefore more likely to survive the penny-pinching, technologically chalanged, risk-adverse, morons... er 'elected officals'... in congress.
I like how you make it sound as though those are not valid considerations.Originally posted by twiligh81
The Air Force didnt want the same to happen to the ATF, so altho the YF-23 was in several ways superior to the YF-22, the 22 was more conventional, and therefore more likely to complete its development without any major delays, and therefore more likely to survive the [...] congress.
Originally posted by twiligh81
They're not invalid concerns, they just shouldnt be at the top of the list, the price difference between the 23 & 22 would not have been that great, when you're talking about peoples LIVES (the pilots, and the soliders and civvies they're defending), not to mention the fate of nations, alittle time & money should'nt stand in the way of haveing the best.
"Not that great" is a subjective thing. This isn't the difference between a Duron and a Celeron we're talking about. The only reason why the difference doesn't seem that great is because the pricetags are insanely high on both planes anyway.Originally posted by twiligh81
They're not invalid concerns, they just shouldnt be at the top of the list, the price difference between the 23 & 22 would not have been that great, when you're talking about peoples LIVES (the pilots, and the soliders and civvies they're defending), not to mention the fate of nations, alittle time & money should'nt stand in the way of haveing the best.