sound problems



On the setting for "all sounds" and 512 MB RAM, I'm not hearing all sounds ( I believe there is a missile lock tone as mentioned in the manual) or any music except the mission complete music. This is on windows with a 1 ghz athlon. I tried to hit 'S' as the manual says to skip track, all this does is turn off the shields. Little 's' does nothing as well. Trying '<' or '>' for music volume has no effect.
There is no missile lock tone at the moment.

S, as you discovered, controls the shield. Lower case s toggles between full and 2/3ds shields, while uppercase S toggles between full and 1/3rd shields.

There have been a few threads about music issues. Search this forum for threads that mention firewalls. That would be the first thing to check.
Apologies, the manual with the download is outdated. Its what you get when the devels keep moving the goalposts :)

Try this link for the most up to date version but please note it may still have some missing information (working on it): Privateer Remake Manual
figured it out!

Oops, my bad. Apparently, on my soundcard mixer settings, I had midi music disabled. That's why I could hear the mission victory music, which is an ogg, but couldn't hear anything else, which is in midi format!

ah, the game is much more atmospheric now. Thanks for the help!