Sorry it's been a while


soory it's been a wile

i am back i am sorry ive been relly busy with work and alkl sorry i am here now stoping by again anything i miss??
Re: soory it's been a wile

Originally posted by Flash
i am back i am sorry ive been relly busy with work and alkl sorry i am here now stoping by again anything i miss??

Yeah, apparently your English spelling class:)
I remember once when someone came back and asked what they missed someone else responded with something like (that's a lot of somethings!):

Development of Privateer 3 has been announced
A multi-player extension for WCP has been made
The Pilgrim trilogy has been completed, etc :)

But there has been quite a few developments - any particular area you were interested in?
Originally posted by Wedge009
Development of Privateer 3 has been announced
A multi-player extension for WCP has been made
The Pilgrim trilogy has been completed, etc :)

And Hell froze over too.
Sheep flew and I became an idol before millions... wait, that was my dreams last night where that happened...
Flash, welcome back to the Zone. Like Wedge said there is a lot of crap you missed. There is a lot of cool fan projects out as well as the third CIC Birthday party, which was a blast. There were real alcohol this time I heard :)
didn't somebody who we know who will publish it get the rights to pilgrim truth? If so then 1 of the 3 things is done. akashra since you are so gung ho about how the multiplayer would not take 6 months, start a fan project to write some code for it. and P3 well WCU is kinda close
Marge, it maybe the beer talking but you got a butt that just won't quit... and they got these pretzels here

LeHah: :D

My favorite line from that episode, though, is, "Dear Baby, Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: You."

Preacher: Uhhh... that wasn't called for... Was it?
I know for a fact I was drunk at the birthday party... and I even had real cake! :) I know a couple others who were a tad tipsy... but I'm not pointing fingers ;)
Edit- I HAD cake, but it didn't stay down long. Cake and beer just don't mix!
Originally posted by Manic
I know for a fact I was drunk at the birthday party... and I even had real cake! :) I know a couple others who were a tad tipsy... but I'm not pointing fingers ;)
Edit- I HAD cake, but it didn't stay down long. Cake and beer just don't mix!

Well, cake and beer may not mix, but Mint chocolate chip ice cream & beer certainly do. Beer floats--Mmmmm, takes me back to my college days (as I recall, even the babes liked 'em)...
Originally posted by Dralthi5
Preacher: Uhhh... that wasn't called for... Was it?

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid it was. Blame it on my being an English Minor as an Undergrad...