(Something Like)Trivia

I don't think you can fault me for not answering the cloak question... seeing as I was the one who asked it in the first place. :)

The mileage rating for the Lance was 7,692 klicks/meganewton. The answer comes from a WCIV PSX advertisement... it was a 'car advertisement' for the "2672" Lance, complete with specs and beauty shot.
The cloak question:
It wouldn't be the special fighter equipped with a special torpedo which was demonstrated during '69's GCM?
As we wait for Wedge to ask a question, how bout an easy one (for some oddball reason I just won't let this thread to die ;) ) . . . What was the name of the Comm specialist Jazz murdered when he walked in on him communicating with a Kilrathi?

McGuffin :p

Another easy question while Wedge doesn't send his: What was Spirit's Fianceé(or whatever he was)'s first name?
Slawter said:
What was Spirit's Fianceé(or whatever he was)'s first name?

I thought I mentioned before that I prefer answering trivia questions to making them up, so whenever I answered a question, someone else could claim the next one. Plus I only finished my last exam this morning, but even so, don't expect me to visit here as often as I used to.

So having said that, someone else can ask the next question.

BTW, a fiancé (pronounced fee-yahns) is a woman's husband-to-be. Not to be confused with a fiancée (pronounced fee-yahn-say), which is a man's wife-to-be.
Simple-ish question:

What are the different types of armor?

Bonus points for giving relative protection, in cm-equiv, for those that have such values available.
BTW, Wedge, thanks for the lesson. My English is ******* crappy, since i had less than one year as formal education in English
Death said:
Simple-ish question:

What are the different types of armor?

Bonus points for giving relative protection, in cm-equiv, for those that have such values available.

1cm Plasteel = 10 cm Durasteel
1 cm Tungsten = 20 cm Durasteel
1 cm Isometal = 60 cm Durasteel

I think I may have missed a couple, but theres a few for someone to build on :).

I can't help it... gotta post question

would it be alright? (I think its a toughie)

What is the max no. of capships+bases can you destroy from WC1-WC4?(including expansion)
Well, you'd have to specify "losing" (ex - you don't get to go against the Kilrathi Asteroid base in WC3 unless you are on the "losing" path) or winning path, after that, it would take a 10-15 minute jaunt through the game guides to figure it out. Otherwise, it would take too long to go through figuring out which combination of losing/winning paths would give you the max number (hint hint - pick winning, so someone has a chance ;) ).

Death asked the armor question, how many are left un-named?

Can't you kill like an infinite number of ships on certain paths? Like, I think when you're defending the Behemoth, if you kill off all the incoming Paktahns, the game just keeps spawning new waves. (Of course, the only way you'd be likely to be able to pull that off would be if you cheat...) I'm also not sure about this, but if you blow up the Kilrathi dreadnought at the end of the losing path in WC3, don't more respawn?
You don't get any more dreadnoughts - but a carrier is one of the random waves that'll appear afterwards (so you can kill unlimited carriers, if you're bored enough).
Alright, these are the numbers by my count on the winning path:

6 Dorkir, 4 Ralari, 2 Fralthi, 1 Starbase
3 Dorkir, 6 Lumbari, 7 Ralari, 7 Fralthi, 1 Drayman, 1 Exeter, 1 Fuel Depot, 1 Sivar
3 Dorkir, 5 Ralari, 5 Fralthi, 5 Snakeir

3 Dorkathi, 5 Kamekh, 3 Ralatha, 1 Fralthra, 1 Supply Depot, 1 K'tithrak Mang
1 Dorkathi, 6 Kamekh, 0 Ralatha, 8 Fralthra
6 Dorkathi, 7 Kamekh, 1 Ralathra, 3 Fralthra, Ayers Rock

11 Transports/Scouts (+3 disabled), 36 Corvette, 12 Light Destroyer, 4 Heavy Destroyer, 2 Fralthi II, 3 Bhantkara

Ships destroyed/leeched no matter of decisions (defecting 2nd time):
1 Jammer, 1 Frigate, 2 Tallahassee, 1 Concordia, 1 Vesuvius, 1 BL Transport

If you defect 1st time:
add 1 Frigate and 1 Destroyer

A- If you choose Speradon:
oppurtunity to kill/leech 1 Carrier and 1 Cruiser

B- If you choose Circe:
oppurtunity to kill/leech 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, and 3 Transports

A- If you choose to slip past Ella:
add 1 Frigate, 1 Cruiser, and 1 Destroyer

B- If you choose to toast Ella:
Add 1 Superbase

So all in all, by my count (in WC1-WC3), we have the oppurtunity to toast the following:
40 transports/scouts, 54 corvettes, 37 Destroyers, 28 Cruisers, 8 carriers, 5 Depots/bases, and 1 Dreadnaught

Not bad for about 3 years worth of work :)

New question after that marathon:

What abandoned lab on the edge of the Tri-system does Lev Arris travel to in search of the crypod's history?
You don't have to destroy any Concordia on WC4, you can disable them. In fact, you can pretty much disable almost any ship except the Vesuvius.