Site update / voiceovers

Eder I just gotta say I love the CVE Firekka model.I love it so much screenshot 19 is on my desktop right now.

Can't wait see her in action.
You and anyone else who likes WC-related wallpapers might want to check out the site's download section. :)

Oooh, pretty.

Just wondering, though, it might be worthwhile running PNG Crush over your pictures. Bandwidth conservation and all that. 2.37 MB is quite a bit of space.
Thanks for the link, Wedge. I had downloaded that program after you mentioned it in another thread a while ago, but yesterday when I looked for it I realised it was gone. Must've forgotten to salvage it off my old HD.

Will any famous characters like LoneWolf, Bear, RoundTop or Doomsday make an apperance in Standoff?

I just re-read F.A. and I will do so before playing this game.Like jest of the back of every WC Novel says "Fimilar with one makes the other more enjoyable."
Doomsday will show up for one or two missions, when the Landreich forces reach Earth and helps Confed handle a cruiser squadron. Someone from the Concordia's roster might also show up in the missions where the player's carrier gets to work together with the Concordia.

Keep in mind, though, that the player's performance might cause his carrier to be in different places during certain events, so it's possible that you miss all these special guests if you know exactly which missions to fail :)

That's about it for cameos, though... All those others you mentioned are almost definitely no-shows.

Which missions to fail? You mean we only get 'special guest' appearances when we fail, like in the official WCs?
Hey Eder, HCl, and anyone else that may want to chime in; I got a question for ya:

For future reference, how does Paint Shop Pro 7 (the Anniv. edition, w/ all the extras) compare with Photoshop RE: Its suitability for WC Modding?...

I got a great deal on it (~$20 + tax after rebates), and am wondering how well it would do me for any future use for textures/other modding effects.

[Now, obviously, Photoshop is more super-dupery, but also more ex$pen$ive, so I'm just wondering if PSP7 would be able to handle most of the types of tasks that WC modding might reasonably throw at it...]
Originally posted by Lynx
I bow to you, Eder. You are truly The Master of Modeling. ;)
Nah; I think it'd be up to him & HCl to duke it out over that title.
PSP and PS are two different approaches at image editing. If you like vector based stuff, go with PSP. If you prefer whatever you'd call PS, go with that. I tend to like PSP for making things from scratch, but PS is nicer for photo editing, and the like.

Either way, both programs will do more than you need for editing Secret Ops textures
Preacher, PSP is definitely enough for most game editing needs. Personally, I make my textures in Photoshop, and then use PSP for final touch up work on the bitmaps after I've lowered their resolution for use in the Vision engine... but either of them alone is definitely a powerful enough tool (I'm not familiar with PSP 7, though. Never bothered upgrading since I use mostly Photoshop... but I'm sure that PSP 7 must be better than the previous ones :)).

Originally posted by Wedge009
Which missions to fail? You mean we only get 'special guest' appearances when we fail, like in the official WCs?
Oh, no, not at all. I've planned Standoff's main campaign to allow the player several chances to switch back and forth between the 3 different paths... This leads to a lot of different combinations which can be made between "series" of missions (WC1/2 style), also including great variations in the length of the game.

The effect of that on the guest appearances: one of them might be on series B, and another might be on series D... But depending on your combination of missions lost and won, you might get to the ending without going through either of those series, going through only one of them, or going through both (IIRC, there's only one possible way to get both Doomsday and the Concordia pilot, though).
