The best part is that, after the armistice is broken, it's not a story of "The Cats aren't our enemies anymore" or any such namby-pamby stuff. I've been pining for the days when murdering Kilrathi was encouraged, and this mod will deliver.
Am I the only one that hated that? In WC4, you saw those tempting little Dralthi and thought "Damn, I'd sure love to stuff a heatseeker up those pipes", but knew that it would be politically incorrect to do so? Or, in WCP, when you really wanted to avenge your father, and stomp some ass with Hawk, but knew that it'd get you in trouble because it was "wrong"? Meh. Bring on the Kilrathi. UE had a nifty little taste of killing kittens, and in Standoff (to borrow a quote), you won't be able to swing a dead cat without hitting a Jalkehi.