Silhouettes and Generic WC Counters

Alright, got the WC2 trad/basic counter set finished up this evening, and as a bonus I was able to get the WC3 trad/basic set done as well. Once again, these are the traditional basic sets, so the Confees are in blue and the Cats are in red.

The WC2 set sports 7 copies of each fighter (except for the original Strakha and Morningstar which only have 6 copies), 4 copies of each capital ship (except for the Clydesdales, which have six; I also was able to add the Wake-class, and would've added the Hakaga-class if I could've found a decent model for it), 4 copies of the two types of Kilrathi space stations, and 2 copies of the two types of Confederation space stations. Miscellaneous counters include three copies of each of the basic four missile types, four torpedoes and four mace missiles, four flak clouds, six asteroids, six mines and three nav points. I worry that there aren't enough mines and asteroids in this set on its own, but if combined with the WC1 set it should be plenty to cover a pnp campaign version of Wing Commander 2, Special Operations, Special Operations Missions 2, and to make homebrew missions from the same era.

The WC3 set sports eight copies of all Terran Fighters, seven copies of all Kilrathi fighters (with the exception of the Bloodfang; it only has three copies and I debated as to whether or not that was necessary), four copies of each capital ship (Clarkson has five; Behemoth has two) and two copies of each installation type. Smallest miscellaneous counter set to date with this set, with only three copies of the basic four missile types, two copies of torpedoes and leech missiles, two flak counters, three asteroids, three mines, and two nav points. I did have a thought that would decrease the excessive amount of guttering between the center and the edges tonight that might let me squeeze out a few more miscellaneous counters. Naturally, this thought didn't occur to me until after I had wrapped up all the work I wanted to do on the counter sets tonight. Should be enough there to cover a pnp campaign version of Wing Commander 3 and to make homebrew missions from the same era.

I get some Hakagas made, and there'd be enough between the three sets to do a pnp version of Standoff. I suppose I'd need a few more of those models, though...

Next set in the planning stages is an Armada set, with plans in the works for a Privateer set shortly thereafter. Gonna need to pick a color for the Steltek...hell, gonna have to get their silhouettes made. There's some that are missing...

Did figure out how to add the guidelines for these sheets and I went back and fixed the WC1 sheet to include them. All three of the completed sets are attached to this post.


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Tonight I was able to finish up the planned traditional/basic Armada set. Pretty easy one to do to be honest, owing to the limited number of craft in the game. It boasts thirteen of each fighter, nine copies of each transport ship and four copies of the two carriers. Had to break convention and move the fighter numbering to a hexadecimal system for the higher numbered fighters, so the text would all still fit on the counters.

Printed these out; am already considering how to use them in a pnp version of Armada. Kor'larh didn't come out looking too bad when I put this set to print. I was really worried about that one. The Jrathek too, but to a lesser extent.

Next up in the chute is the Privateer set. This one's going to be trickier, owing to the larger number of factions in the game. I likely wll need to have two sheets for the Privateer set, especially if I go all gung-ho with my plans like I intend.

Anyways, here's the Armada set; share and enjoy.


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I don't know when or how I'll ever be able to use these, but I love so much that you made an Armada one!
Got a few more sheets done this evening; not sure how many more I'll be able to get done before the Thanksgiving holiday. Hopefully I'll be able to churn out the WC4 sheet tomorrow. If not, it'll be next week at the earliest.

My first offering this evening is a revised Armada sheet. It has the same selection of ships as the first sheet I produced in the traditional colors; the difference is that this set includes twenty-six mining base tokens, thirteen shipyard tokens, and thirteen fortress tokens of various strengths. In short, the new set could be used to play a pnp version of Armada's strategic aspect (while the original would be good for use with dogfights).

My second offering is a "logo sheet". Basically, this sheet includes 110 counters with the Confederation logo on them, and another 110 with the Kilrathi logo on them. My original intent with this sheet was, again, a pnp version of Armada's strategic aspect; these tokens would be used to denote territorial holdings (like the markers you find in the original versions of Axis and Allies; that kind of usage). I suppose they could be used for any number of things.

My final offering this evening is the Privateer sheet, of which I am particularly proud (never would've thought going into that one that I'd be able to fit everything onto one sheet). This sheet spots five copies of all Confederation craft (counting militia Talons as Confed craft), four copies of all Kilrathi craft, ten pirate Talons, five Retro Talons and five Retro Salthis (using the Shok'lar silhouette, naturally), and five copies of all civil craft in two different colors (one to denote friendlies and the other to denote hostiles, like unfriendly Demons). The set also includes a dozen asteroids, four copies of every missile in Privateer (including torpedos), two copies of mining bases, planets and refineries, a copy of New Constantinople and Perry Station, and two copies of most of the in-game commodity tokens (slaves and ejected pilots only got one copy, unfortunately). Finally, I rounded out the set with one copy of each of the Steltek craft in the game: the Drone, the Scout, and the Derelict. This set should be sufficient to play any pnp campaign versions of Privateer and Righteous Fire, and to make homebrew missions from the same period.

The basic layout design of the WC4 sheet is nearing completion. I am going to have to figure out what I'm going to do with the Starburst/Coneburst missiles in terms of counters (can't seem to find any data on them anywhere besides the WC4 cluebook). Hopefully I'll be able to finish that up tomorrow; the WC4 sheet is going to be one of those that has relatively little room for the "miscellaneous" tokens like missiles.

Meantime, here are the sets I completed this evening. Share and enjoy.


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Not much new to report on the counters today, I'm afraid, aside from having finished up notes on the layouts of the remaining "traditional basic" sets (with the exception of Privateer 2's, which I haven't gotten started on yet). Prophecy and Arena will be sharing an "ordinance sheet"; this will let me put more actual ships in those sets.

Speaking of Arena, I've finally been able to figure out enough of Ogre to start extracting specific sets of sub-meshes from the main mesh. See, each of the meshes that make up a fightercraft in Arena contain the basic geometry of all three variations of that fighter in the game (for example, the Guardian, Eclipse and Scout versions of the Arrow are all contained in a single mesh file). Each one of these models contains five sub-meshes (one that handles the paint job, one that handles the team color, and three that handle Armor). I was working under the suspicion that each one of the armor submeshes corresponded to a different variant of the fighter. In this, I was partially correct: it turns out that some fighters consist of a combination of those armor meshes. I haven't figured out which yet, but it's only a matter or time before I do...

Yes, I'm going to an awful lot of trouble to get those Arena silhouettes. Can't have a complete set without them, can I?
Great job on those silhouettes! Would love to see them in scale, not every one together, but in classes. All fighters to scale, all transports/medium sizes ships and most large ships.


On the Arena front, yesterday I was able to figure out which armor combinations corresponded to which fighters. I also figured out that the "Paint job" sub-mesh contained the base model for each of the fighter variations, and it was this model (sans any armor) that corresponded to the "light" variation of each fighter. Long story short, I was able to get the meshes put together for the Arena fighters, but I did not have sufficient time to get the screenshots out of OgreMeshy before I had to hit the road for Thanksgiving. If I get some free time this weekend, I'll work on this some more.

Meantime, Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.
Alright, I can finally report success with the Arena models this morning. Been out of town since Wednesday and it turned out I didn't have all the tools I needed to make the Arena silhouettes when I left town like I thought I did (and my net access has been limited; hasn't helped matters). But, I was able to gather up what I needed, and the silhouettes are finally ready. I'm hoping to have a nice set of Arena counters later this week. Meanwhile, I can share the silhouettes with y'all. I'm happy with all of them.

First set: Confed Fighters.


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Second set: Kilrathi fighters.


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Yeah, that's all it's the updated Tusk. Still trying to figure out exactly how that happened.


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Hey, y'all. I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up on what's been going on lately. I've downloaded a trial version of Publisher 2010 for my other (faster) computer; I'm still getting used to all the changes with it, hence the slower rate of churning things out. I also had some serious unforeseen headaches with the WC4 sheet; it turns out there wasn't really any good images of a Flash-Pak that could easily be turned into a silhouette (was hoping for a good image from the sequence of the attack on TCS Amadeus, but that didn't pan out), so I ultimately had to make one from scratch. There also didn't appear to be a good model out there (or any references, for that matter) to the Starburst and Coneburst missiles (unique to WC4, probably because they both really sucked the big one - just ask Pliers), so I ultimately just used a VDU image from Privateer 2. The WC4 sheet is basically done at this point. I've also been working on a WC Arena sheet and a WCP sheet; I'm hoping to have these three up later today or tomorrow. I decided to create an "ordnance" sheet for WCP and Arena, so those sheets won't have any additional weapons; I do plan for the ordnance sheet to include the WC Arena powerups.

Those four up and coming sheets will cover the traditional/basic sets; after that I can get creative. Plans are in the works for a Standoff sheet (finding a good top-down Hakaga model was a cast-iron bitch, but I pulled it off!), as well as a series of dedicated TacOps sheets.


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Alright, here are the finished WC4, WC Prophecy and WC Arena sheets.

The WC4 includes six copies of each Confederation fighter (including the Bearcat) as well as four copies of each Confederation capship (including the Vesuvius-class). I did include the Evansville-class in with the Confed craft and there are two copies. A single copy of the Ella Superbase is also included. UBW forces have eight copies of each of their fighters and 4 copies of each of their capital ships. Keeping with the convention I set earlier with the silhouette, the Lance fighters are designated "Dg" on the sheet (for Dragon); the UBW has eight copies of this craft. The Black Lance also have a half dozen Dragons of their own done as a reverse silhouette (not as hard as it may sound; just needed a different coat of paint in GIMP). The Kilrathi have six Dralthi-IVs, the only craft they are identified with in the game. Pirate craft include nine copies of Razors and Arrows and eight Thunderbolts. Miscellaneous counters are light in the set; they include two copies of the basic missile types, including Leech Missiles, Maces, and MIPs. One copy each was included for Starburst and Coneburst missiles; kinduva cop-out, I know, but those missiles really kinda suck anyway. Rounded out the ordinance with two Flash-Paks. The set has only two mines, two nav points, and two asteroids, so this may be a set that may benefit from the use of the forthcoming ordnance sheet. There should otherwise be plenty to cover a pnp campaign version of Wing Commander 4 and to make homebrew missions from the same era.

The Prophecy sheet includes Confederation, Kilrathi and Nephilim craft. Confed has seven copies of each fighter type, plus three copies of each of the "black ops" craft you find in Special Ops. Three copies of the Midway-class and Hades-class are included as well as four copies of the Pelican-class transport. Four copies are also included of the two shuttle classes as well as five copies of the Seahawk SWACS. The Kilrathi have four copies of Dralthi-IV, Vaktoth and Kamrani, and one copy of a Fralthi-II class cruiser. For the bugs, it's six copies of each fighter (twelve for the "composite" craft, namely the Skate and Remora) and four copies of each capital ship class (except for the Tiamat, which only has two copies). As previously mentioned, this set will be dependent upon the ordnance sheet, but otherwise should have plenty to cover a pnp campaign version of Prophecy or Special Ops, and to make homebrew missions from the same era. When combined with the Arena sheet, there is likely enough there to cover a pnp homebrew version of the Nephilim War.

Not much to say about the Arena sheet. There are eleven copies of each craft. And I do mean each: all eighteen playable fighters, and both classes of battlecruiser. I may ultimately craft versions of the various playing fields, though I'd need to know more about Arena before I could even begin designing those. Meantime, the sheet is there for homebrew missions in the Arena era.

I hope to have the ordnance sheet up soon. Since I'm going to include the Arena powerups, this means more trouncing about with OgreMeshy. Shouldn't be difficult, but it will take time.

Meantime, here are the aforementioned completed sets. Share and enjoy.


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You forgot the Murphy destroyers and Plunkett cruisers for the WCP/SO Confed.

Murphy and Plunkett?!?! What the f......D'OH!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

And I probably won't have them, either...the VDUs from Secret Ops are side profiles, the shots in the old ship database are 3d profiles only, and SO doesn't have a tech database like Prophecy did (I know that because I remember having to fly the first SO mission so I could get the Hades image. I suppose I could try to figure out where the models are kept in SO's file structure; then I'd have to figure out their formatting, get them to look right......ugh. I suppose I could go with the side-shot VDU profiles; I'm pretty sure most of the Nephilim ships are that way anyway (a fact about which I'm not particularly pleased, mind you).

Well, crap. Guess that's what I get for not double-checking SO prior to building the page.

Y'all's angry emoticon doesn't look angry enough, IMHO.
Murphy and Plunkett?!?! What the f......D'OH!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

And I probably won't have them, either...the VDUs from Secret Ops are side profiles, the shots in the old ship database are 3d profiles only, and SO doesn't have a tech database like Prophecy did (I know that because I remember having to fly the first SO mission so I could get the Hades image. I suppose I could try to figure out where the models are kept in SO's file structure; then I'd have to figure out their formatting, get them to look right......ugh. I suppose I could go with the side-shot VDU profiles; I'm pretty sure most of the Nephilim ships are that way anyway (a fact about which I'm not particularly pleased, mind you).

Well, crap. Guess that's what I get for not double-checking SO prior to building the page.

Y'all's angry emoticon doesn't look angry enough, IMHO.
I could probably hack together for you a quick mod for SO that will add a ship viewer along with all the ships from SO (there may be some issues with the capships, we'll see). You want?