Murphy and
Plunkett?!?! What the f......D'OH!!!!!!

And I probably won't have them, either...the VDUs from Secret Ops are side profiles, the shots in the old ship database are 3d profiles only, and SO doesn't have a tech database like Prophecy did (I know that because I remember having to fly the first SO mission so I could get the
Hades image. I suppose I could try to figure out where the models are kept in SO's file structure; then I'd have to figure out their formatting, get them to look right......ugh. I suppose I could go with the side-shot VDU profiles; I'm pretty sure most of the Nephilim ships are that way anyway (a fact about which I'm not particularly pleased, mind you).
Well, crap. Guess that's what I get for not double-checking SO prior to building the page.
Y'all's angry emoticon doesn't look angry enough, IMHO.