I like non-Super Fighters. The Epee is just stupid, I'd much rather have have the lower speed, heavier armor and the massdrivers. I like the Ferret.
The Banshee was too strong, it was too fast and had too many missiles. I'd trade 2HS/2HARM for 150 rounds on the Stormfire.
As to speed. I up the armor on the Thud to 360/300/360, which is in line with the other SO Ships, pop an extra IR and FF in, then change two ions for Particle Guns.
A light bomber which kicks Shrike ARSE!
Speed isn't important, it's how fast the craft responds. On paper a Shrike handles better, when you get out there the Thud turns, pitches, rolls circles round it.
400 is still fast, even in 2681 the fast intercepter only does 480, the multi role fighter does 480 and the dogfighter does 450.
Don't forget the "Black" ships in SO are basically seriosly souped up fighters that won't hit frontlines for maybe 5 years, if ever.