Shield Speculation


Rear Admiral
Just to start a tactics/technology conversation, what do you guys think would be the reason for Confed and Kilrathi designers to not install even a basic phase shield system on their new Battle Cruisers? The Star Soldier manual states that energy has been geared specifically for speed and firepower, but ultimately, at 100 kps, they really aren't that fast. As many of us have also learned, they are really vulnerable to fighter attack. Could it be that plasma weapons have rendered phase shields completely useless? Or, that 4500 cm. of armor has been deemed substantial protection enough? What do you all think? Any ideas on fleet/fighter tactics of the Nephilim War? Any idea if Confed centers its fleets on Carriers at all in the 28th Century?
Since Confed continued to build Midway class ships, and Star Soldier makes such a big deal out of The Port Broughton’s wartime achievements, I think Carriers are probably still an important part of the fleet.

I was a little surprised to find out that the battle cruisers don’t have any shields at all. Maybe they expect their fighters to protect them from enemy fighters and bombers. Since they are supposed to operate in giant squadrons, they would have quite a few fighters available even without a carrier for support.
I made a list of the status of the first 10 Midways here. The TCS Midway herself is labeled as the Confederation flagship, so it's still around doing its job. Also the TCS Eisen is mentioned as still being in active service which is a very nice tribute to both the CIC and Jason Bernard.

From the sounds of it perhaps the means of building such shield generators has been limited as a result of the Nephilim war. The hints we are giving make it sound like a large portion of both Confed and Kilrathi space has been laid to waste as a result of the war. The opening of all of those other wormholes and the accompanying fleets that probably emerged spread all factions to the breaking point. This is all speculation at this point but hopefully in the coming years it will be explained in a full scale WC release.