selling upgrades tractored in space


Sometimes there are ship upgrades floating thru space, I guess after a battle that I missed (when I blow merchants up, I never seem to get any of these components in the wreckage). After I tractor them in, and then try to sell them at a base commerce screen, they're classified as "space salvage" and only worth 10 credits?! Is there some way to use them on my own ship, or sell them for their real value (sometimes it's radars or other high-value items)?

Also, can someone give me a game hint on how to make the confeds like me again?! These stilletos are giving me a hard time!
Can't help out on the first issue. I agree that a high end radar is worth more than 10 credits, especially as difficult as tractor recovery is to accomplish.

To have the ConFeds love you again, kill lots of Kilrathi, their main enemy. Killing pirates and Retros also helps, but it seems to less effect.
hoovsbin said:
Can't help out on the first issue. I agree that a high end radar is worth more than 10 credits, especially as difficult as tractor recovery is to accomplish.

To have the ConFeds love you again, kill lots of Kilrathi, their main enemy. Killing pirates and Retros also helps, but it seems to less effect.

Hrm. . .
As I understood it, the cargo issue was from an earlier viersion. People were getting hot ships just by being scavengers and it was "ruining game play" so tractored components were relegated space salvage. Personally I think it should pay out as other salvage. 170 or more per load. Of course, it WOULD be nice to be able to use it but need a repair tag of like half the price of it new. I'm not sure how you'd implement that, though.

Confeds hate Kilrathi.
Militia hate Retros and Pirates.
Retros hate everyone
And even though Retros attack them, killing retros lowers your standings with Kilrathi.
Hunters seem to hate Retros.
Depending on the scenario, killing a hunter can lower your standing with Merchants, but it's usually okay to kill them.
Merchants hate Pirates, Retros and Kilrathi equally bad.

To get in good with a faction fast, kill who they hate.
-- Usually a 10 point jump per kill. Lower if they just dislike the faction you killed.
Com button 3 works, but it's something like 32 keystrokes per 1 point of faction change.