Secret Ops Ending...


It's been years ever since I played SO, and I forgot the ending...I'm replaying SO..but can someone tell me the ending? Just for the sake of my memory...
Well from what I know here they are:

1- You win and save the devise and see a plunkett go by ella starbase and here the admiral or high up guy talk about the midway piolts going back to the midway and that they can begin to examin the devise

2- You win but destroy the devise you see the same thing only now the admiral guy is yelling and talking about the permanent damage done to the proxima system

3- You loose and see an alien fleet attacking the ella and the plunkett.
Kn’thrak, a time of great darkness shall embrace us.Death itself shall pour forth, obscuring the stars in a veil of darkness.We shall be bathed in our own blood and rotted flesh shall be our fare. Wing Commander Prophecy Into

By the way, Stunner, I think you mean the Wing Commander Prophecy Intro
Hey thanks Poulton I just now realized that and it's been my sig ever since I joined. It's sad that someone just now said something.