Seattle and Pittsburgh in the superbowl

I was disappointed with the commercials too. I was really looking forward to some big name movies, but Pirates of the Caribbean 2 was it. I bought the fived bladed razor. My face hasn't been this smooth since before puberty.
vindicator said:
This was one superbowl top to bottom that just felt bad all around.

Oh yeah, it was good, always disappointing to lose though.

vindicator said:
Did anyone else hate the halftime show?

Hehe, during the halftime show we went into the other room play play a couple matches on XBox Live. And while we were waiting in a lobby for a match to start, some jerk started singing along with Mick Jagger.

vindicator said:
Why is there a five blade razor? What are people doing, shaving their cat?

You missed an important thread. It's actually a 5.1 bladed razor.

d3r3k said:
I bought the fived bladed razor. My face hasn't been this smooth since before puberty.

There's a chemotherapy joke in there somewhere. Halman got it too and he's almost convinced me to get it.
ChrisReid said:
Oh yeah, it was good, always disappointing to lose..

I didn't mean the fact that the Seahawks lost. I meant that it didn't really feel like a superbowl game, though, after a short conversation with Jason, I think it was mostly because I was a fan of one of the teams in this one. Normally I root for each team when they have the ball to go and score. I know it's weird.

An interesting note on this subject.

Brazil has one five footbal world cups. Only one of them was in Europe. All the others where elsewhere. It's much easier to Brazil to win outside the homeland of its competition. So in France 1998, Brazil lost to France, which was playing at home. In 2002, on Japan and Korea, almost the same french team was eliminated without winning a game and scoring a goal. Brazil won over Germany at the finals.

Exceptions exist, of course:

In 1950, playing at home, Brazil lost to Uruguay! That was unexplainable, and a big trauma in brazilian history.

And of course Brazil won over the US in 1994 on their own land, but the american team was not very good at that time.
I was rooting for the Steelers but there were way too many bad calls in the game. The first touchdown by the Steelers shouldn't have counted; he'd already been sacked at the first yard line and crawled to the TDZ for it to count. Thats just bad, bad, bad.
I wasn't really going to talk about that, but I know the rules commitee meets in march because Mike Holmgren is on that commitee and you know there are going to be serious repercussions for the overall bad officiating throughout the playoffs. I'm not going to be like the average Seahawk fan, I know there were bad calls, but the team executed really shaky offense in the redzone, Matt needed to remember to protect his field goals and he didn't on those two misses by Josh Brown.

I think that the Seahawks will be back next year, we have too many good dedicated guys who know how to work on that team.

With all that said, it was an easier loss to swallow because I really admire Jerome Bettis and for him to win it was a nice thing, it's just a shame that it was against my favorite team.

I kinda hoped that the Seahawks would either still win or loose higher. Given the amount of questionable decisions the game could have ended with 7 points more for them and 7 less for the Steelers if all of them were reversed, resulting in a different winner. Which kinda leaves a sour taste for me.
Yeah, overall I got to admit the superbowl this year did seem kind of weak. The commercials were probably my biggest disappointment, I didn't see anything that I thought was truly all that funny. After all the hype I felt let down. As for the game itself, it was a good game but felt like it was just be one of the "bleah" games had it been played during the regular seasons. (The ones no one really talks about that much). Congratulations to the Steelers for their accomplishment, to the Seahawks for their good showing as well.

As for the whole "us" and "we" fans use when talking about their team. I got to admit, I'm a little conflicted on that. On one hand, most people who do that don't even seem to go to any of the games so I'm not really sure how they feel they are participating. Yet, on the other hand, I think they are saying, "I identify with this team. Out of all the other teams in the league, this is the one I like the most, this is the one I want to see win." So I guess I don't have a huge problem with it. What I DO have a problem with is the stupid diehard fans who always come up with the lamest excuse to explain away every problem. I've heard so many fans say, "Its too bad the real [insert team name here] didn't show up, they would have learned how to play a real game." I always want to grab those guys by the throat and throttle them while yelling, "THE REAL TEAM DID SHOW UP...AND THEY TANKED IT! THAT IS THE REAL TEAM!" Oh well...pointless rant I suppose.
The only commercial I saw worth remembering was that Mastercard commercial with MacGuyver. That was pretty good.
cff said:
I kinda hoped that the Seahawks would either still win or loose higher. Given the amount of questionable decisions the game could have ended with 7 points more for them and 7 less for the Steelers if all of them were reversed, resulting in a different winner. Which kinda leaves a sour taste for me.

Now, some of these newbees rattle on about “what if this happens”, “what if that happens”. This is the brain case, I tell them: make good use of it.
Overall I thought it was a less than memorable Super Bowl. The pass interference call made in the end zone against the Seattle receiver in the 1st quarter was total BS. The Roethlisberger TD was close, but it looked to me like the very tip of the ball crossed the goal line before he went down.

How could they penalize Hasselbeck for making a block below the waist when he was trying to tackle the ball carrier?

We skipped the half time show and went outside to throw the football in the snow. It was really cold but still worth it.

Hang in there Rance- Seattle isn't done yet.
BigsWickDagger said:
Overall I thought it was a less than memorable Super Bowl. The pass interference call made in the end zone against the Seattle receiver in the 1st quarter was total BS.

No, he pushed off. It was a good call. The sad thing is that he didn't need to.:(