Screenshots Release Thread

Here's my favourite Kilrathi ship, the ultra-heavy Sorthak fighter. What do you think?


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Prettiest Sorthak Ive ever seen. Im curious if your going to change the way it's armed to make it more effective in combat (no more dead zone when your off-axis and shooting at it...)... it would be a shame to have a fighter like that in a game and have it be more or less useless.
Well IIRC the Sortak was more build as a good fighter against bigger targets like small caps, then against..well an Arrow?
Beside that every fighter has a dead zone...but the Kilrathi philosophy is mostly based on front attacks and there it realy has enough firepower to blast nearly everything out of space.
But we will take a look at the weaponplacing...maybe I will fly a round with this baby to test it ^_^
Sorthaks "fighter destroyers" (according to the WC3 official guide) didn't have gun placements. They had turrets. Those six mesons were arranged in 3 seperate turrets that targeted fighters independently.
What WC official guide is that?
The Sorthak had guns and a turret at the back. Play WC3 and you will see.
For the WC3 Handbook..its nowhere mentioned the weaponloadout of the ship.
Maybe someone can get a look at the WC3 file for gunplacement...then we will know for sure.
I quote from the WC3 official guide book (the one with the "Making of WC3 CD").

"Call it iron butt. The super-heavy Sorthak occupies a dangerous middle-ground between a bomber and a corvette. It's just barely too small to lock a torpedo on, but definately big enough to be a major threat. It's remarkably fast and maneuverable for a ship it's size, and of course it's armored to the teeth, but what really makes the Sorthak a menace are its twin, independently turreted meson guns. It can effectively engage several Confederation targets simultaneously, from virtually any angle, and its extra-powerful shields make it hard to destroy, even against multiple opponents. This is the only fighter in the game whose rear is as every bit and dangerous and well-defended as its front. Fortunately, it has a fairly bulky silhouette, which helps during flanking approaches, but taking out a Sorthak is still a tough job from any angle."

I will also quote the weapons stats from the given statistical data

Meson gun (turreted) (4)
Meson gun (rear turreted) (2)

Missile Hardpoints (2x4)
4 HS / 4 IR
Missile Decoys (10)"

The rendering of the fighter in the guide even shows the front dual meson turrets.

So all in all, take that info as you will. You guys "hired" me to give you technical advice and I am doing it. But because it is your mod, you are more then free to get Concordia back as your technical advisor again and do a complete change of the weaponry if the given data does not match your interpretation of what WC should have been.
I don't have any problems with you as advisor Psych (and you overreact as usual) but the only reference material I have is what was actualy in the original WC games and not the additinal material you have...and in WC3 the Sorthak had no turrets (except the rear)...sorry for you but its a fakt.
Maybe Origin planed to let it have 3 turrets, but ingame it has a fixed weapon loadout mainly to the front and it was quite smaller then the discription make it look.

I think the decision what version should be used is up to the entire mod team and not to me or you only.
I will open a new thread in the internal with a vote.
IIRC, even the in-game model in WC3 has two forward-mounted dual Meson turrets (above and below the larger central 'box')... they don't have as large a rotational arc as the rear turret, but they're still there. Think of them as the Kilrathi equivalent of the Excalibur's "autotracking" guns.
Mh I have taken a look at this pic


And I realy think that Loaf is right that calling this pionting forward guns aren't realy turrets as I understand it from Psychs posting.
Beeing somekind of autotraking like the Excalibur got seams more a possibility.

From what Psych posted I understood that the Sorthak would realy have turrets in the common sense.
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I think their arc is something like this:


The difference between the Sorthak's "front turrets" and the Excaliburs auto-tracking guns, though, is that the Sorthak's guns aren't limited to one direction; each pair fires independently (implying two separate gunners). The Sorthak can use its forward guns, for instance, to fire on targets to the left and right at the same time.
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I would like the model like that, but I think in FS2 turret arcs are not specifyable at this point. It should not be terribly hard to change that from what I know, but the programmers claim they are too scared to tuch the turret code. I would even help to cure FS from the horribly "turrets shooting through the own ships hull" disease. :(
I think it was possible to give turrets a firing arc...don't know how to do it, but it must be possible since in FS no cap fired trough itself.
Bob McDob said:
Would this make the Sorthak the equivilent of the Homeworld Multi-Gin corvette, then?

I'm not sure what that is - the Sorthak is classified as a "Super Heavy Fighter" by Joan's Fighting Ships.

(I wonder how the 'upper limit' fighter classifications are organized - I think we see "Super Heavy Fighter" "Superfighter" and "Extra Heavy Fighter"...)
I say put turrets on. THe SOrthak wasn't really the ship-destroying Chupacabra it was made out to be in the manual. I was rarely scared whan I went up against one. I say anything that makes it more formidable is good. Turrets would help!
Thinking of it this way... why TF doesnt someone just load up WC3 and figure out how far offaxis they shoot? Screenies would be a plus. I would have done so except that the only "mainstream" WC game I dont have access to ATM.

Question for modders: would it be too uncool to think that the Kat pilots might have the ability to choose their loadout just as you can? Two racks of four FF missiles would make this a much much more vicious light-fighter-killer than it is now, and some of those swapped out for DF would make the anti-shipping capability rather more impressive. Also, what are those four big tube-shaped thingies to the right of the cabin area - would it be unreasonable to think that those are torpedo tubes that were not coded in simply because the Sorthaks would never have a chance to use them?
just a quick note to the latest wc news update: our images are no renders, they have been captured directly from the game :D