Scimitar Gripes


The ship which played no small part in the early war, the ship which was the main strike craft before the Rapier, the ship was the most 'die-hard' starfighter - does not deserve a hate!

Well, mr.Most Cowardly Knight - does deserve, though ;)
For a ship design that's supposed to be a hundred years old, it sure acquits itself pretty well.

Mass Drivers. Core Strength.

What more do you really need? The Ferret's basically the same ship, trading missiles for a really serious afterburner. Both ships get lots of love around here.
Nice on Mannpower. Though I predict the poor fool who was a scim stuck in their anal passage might incur some sort of injury when they try to squeeze it out....
I've always been impressed with the Scimitar. It actually got me through the final losing path mission alive and in one piece. Mostly. Hunter didn't make it, all my systems were fried, the cockpit was in pieces, i could barely use the radar, I had no guns left since I'd lost my last one ramming a Kat fighter, couldn't eject even if I'd wanted to, was out of fuel... and yet I coasted up at those meager 320kps and (after much trying) was able to get the radio working and land on the Claw.

Hornet or Rapier would NEVER have made it back from that. Raptor... maybe. But the Rapier, that gets so much love, would have been destroyed the minute I lost shields.
I always liked the Scimitar, she wasn't flashy, sleek, or uber, but she was a good fighter that could get the job done. You could use her to go out on patrol, escort missions, or maybe attack a capship if you really needed to. The Scimitar was great at any of these, but it could handle all of them.

I don't have any gripes about the Scimitar, in my opinion she was a good medium fighter.
Much as I love the scimitar, I would like to put in one point about the Rapier's armor:

If you were flying it right, you'd never lose any ;)

But the Scim was solid. I think. Never could tell based off the readout.
After all the bashing it got in WC1, I was really happy the Scimitar became the main ship in Academy.

But the Scim was solid. I think. Never could tell based off the readout.

And maybe that wasn't so bad. If you were never sure, you weren't so reckless.
I never had trouble with scimitars or raptors at all, it was the rapier II that I couldn't handle. and the hornet has its guns too far apart.
I think the worst experience I ever had in the scim, was trying to navigate a mine field with it. Died countless times trying that one. :(

Be thankful you weren't playing the Super NES version! One asteroid hit and you're dead.

Unless you were playing the SNES version (or EA Replay).
I think the worst experience I ever had in the scim, was trying to navigate a mine field with it. Died countless times trying that one. :(

You must be joking! The minefield in WC1 can be ran through easily enough.
Run! Do not crawl ! That's all... Crawling is for asteroids, running- for minefields.

I personally never got a scratch on my Scim running through mines