
Actually, it took two torpedoes in WC2. The only capships that could be destroyed with a single torpedo were the ones that you could simply kill with guns :p.
Yeah, in Fleet Action a lot of ships are hit by torpedoes and remain operational. I think in WC2 the engine only simulated very lucky hits or something :p

Edit: this was supposed to go before Q's post. As for the two torpedo issue... well, I think I don't remember WC2 too well, but nevertheless, in Standoff a pair of torpedoes is only enough to kill things up to cruiser size.

I know phase-shielded WC2 capships require two torpedoes to destroy, but I'm quite sure WC3 and WC4 (especially WC4) capships needed more than one torpedo hit to destroy as well.
anything above a light destroyer needed 2 torps in WC3 (except mabye for the dreadnaught, never tried to take a longbow against that monster) in 4, the destroyer and frigate could be taken out with 1 torp, everything else needed 2