Saddam Hussein caught!

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Perhaps you're right . . . but I think I'm gonna grow a beard like that . . . that would rule. Then I could be a cruel dictator . . . or a pirate!
Looks like Chernikov is the only one that admits that I have a point as well as admitting other related facts.

Bandit LOAF, I do wish to debate this but no one has engaged me. Since my first post (with the exception of Chernikov) all that there has been is flames my way.

As for my post count. I have been reading the forums for some time now but have never been compelled to join the discussion until now. Thus, my post count is obviously low.

As for banning me. I have not broken any rules. I have posted my opinion and have backed it up. I firmly believe that there has been a misunderstanding. I haven't come looking for a fight. Any anger that has been put upon my words while read is exactly that.

Quite frankly I am quite insulted my the insinuation that I am on the level of Joshua. I am no troll. Trolls only post inflammatory childish comments. My postings have not. They are quite the opposite in fact.

TC, you misunderstand me. If we refer to my second post I have asked you guys to look at the pictures of Saddam shaven and unshaved beside each other. The unshaven one shows someone somewhat pail while the other shows someone that has quite a tan. You be the judge.

And if you guys would stop with the name calling perhaps we could get down to a discussion of sorts.
sigma_nunki said:
If we refer to my second post I have asked you guys to look at the pictures of Saddam shaven and unshaved beside each other. The unshaven one shows someone somewhat pail while the other shows someone that has quite a tan. You be the judge.

You'd be dirty in your face too after you have lived in a hole in the ground. :p
I don't think you understand. We don't have any *interest* in debating with you because you're not a regular poster. You showed up for this thread and nothing else. Without some sort of previously established respect for (or even passing familiarity with) you, we're not interested in treating an off topic rant seriously.

... and you're banned.
Lynx the darker picture is him after he was shaven and cleaned up.

I have tried to write my words in such a way that people can get what I mean by just reading and not interpreting them. Please read them as such.
And another one banned
And another one banned
And another one swabs the deck!

Two in one day . . . wow. I'll be quiet for a while so it doesn't become three :)
He thought I was supporting him.

I feel dirty now... and I cant take a shower for another four hours since Im at work.

Bandit LOAF said:
I un-banned Josh. I felt bad leaving him in the company of this nutjob.
I didn't notice that you banned him in the first place... I was wondering why there was such an absence of amusingly impossible ideas being posted lately. Where will I get my daily superpolymer fix?
well, to be honest, the news i heard here (in the UK) was that saddam was believed to have been caught, in, or near, some hole he was hiding in... the very lack of detail as to where he was caught - surely something they should know? indicates something dodgy to me, i think its possible, tho not necessarily plausible that bush is pushing this.

in other news, the dossier over here was found to be "adequate" but not necessarily accurate, after all, it is still believed to have been hyped up, and given that the only investigation into it, was run purely by the government, the same one who wanted to have it deemed accurate, then it seems unlikely that they would ever have found otherwise.

finally, whilst i know im running against the tide of consensus here, i believe that sigma nunki or whatever his name is (wasnt really reading properly ;) ) is right in that we shouldnt take this at face value, nothing about this war thus far has been accurately portrayed by government or news so why should it be now.

I think the lesson of the sixties was to *question* authority - not to blatantly ignore it in all matters.
I think you still should question authority, but that is my opinion, even though you guys probabbly woudnt care...

Give the kid a chance also. Low post count doesnt show a person's intelegence or their attitude towards everyone else. If you really think that, then maybe you should get out and talk to real people more. *trying not to be offensive*
Not low post count. *No* post count. He hadn't been here or registered before this morning. The off topic zone is for WC fans to discuss whatever they want - not for random trolls to pick on them.
I didnt seem to think he was trolling. It is quite hard to tell someone's tone of voice by reading nothing but text, unless its blatantly obvious. I dont want to cause a flame war here, but i think maybe you guys should give a fair go.
Maybe the guy wasn't trolling, hell, he might even have a point for all we care, but registering on a Wing Commander forum and kicking it off by positioning yourself against what all the forum regulars are saying in a thread that has nothing to do with WC isn't too smart either.

I agree with LOAF that this off-topic forum isn't for random people who want to talk about Iraq - much less when it looks like a common trolling post. This is for people who are already part of the community (I mean that loosely, as in, people who have discussed WC in at least one thread before - that's what's supposed to make people register here), and already have at least some degree of familiarity with the other regulars, the admins, how the forums work, etc, but are also interested in discussing something other than WC every now and then.
Hey guys, I've found a real-life picture of sigma_junki.

From what I can gather, he hasn't been in a hole this whole time. Just whenever he feared we were close enough to catch him, and then he'd be there for a while (I have no idea exactly how long but if it were me it would be days). So the tan argument is pretty lame. Not mention what someone else already brought up, that he was still quite dirty from being in that small hole. As to the argument that it may not be him, they had DNA evidence he was there before going in and have since taken DNA evidence to prove that it IS him.

Congrats boys and girls of Ft. Hood. You got him.
Ft. Hood is where my best friend is getting stationed prior to shipping over.

The 2nd Lt. was going to be a tank commander, but now he's commanding a platoon of troops . . . I believe they'll be in armored hummers.
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