Yes, the game interface appears almost translated, but I've noticed that the font type of the cockpit anwsers to conversations (i.e. 1:affirmative, 2:negative) is wrong, looking similar to arial or some sort of family windows fonts, and is not the same font type as the DOS version, which looks more "edgy" and squared corners. I'll take a screenshot to explain it better.Thnx! Fonts in globals.iff are, in general, same as in DVD version; but contents of language.tre is much more interesting.
In particular, I have tried to simply put it together with wc4dvd.exe and run it, and I got game nearly fully translated into Spanish (except names of targets, guns and missiles on cockpit displays).
Thanks for that!Yes, I already know about this bug. Problem is, that configure dxmci.lnk points to %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe, which in fact is not 32-bit but 64-bit application in 64-bit system, and therefore cannot load and run 32-bit dxmci.dll. So I have made small app that simply do the same in proper way. Unpack this attachment to directory with wc4dvd.exe and dxmci.dll and run it.
Maybe is something with an incorrect version of dxmci.dll?There may be several reasons so more thorough investigation needed. At present, I'm not ready to reply because I don't have 64-bit Windows; so at first I must try it on my own PC.
I can play it under VM if needed, and I don't want to overwhelm you with complains.
Just pointing the bugs just in case it can be fixed.
Thank you again for this impressive work.