Run All Old WC Games in DOSBox Walkthrough

Hey Chris, thanks for the help. WC3 is working great now. However, sometimes it'll exit out in the middle of a mission. Any suggestions for that?
What does "exit out" mean? Are you dropping to the dos prompt with some sort of error? Does DOSBox crash? Those sorts of things are much more difficult to diagnose anyhow. You need to look for any patterns and see if it's doing that when there's too much activity going on, when a certain sound plays and so on.
Dosbox crashes. I don't get any sort of error message or anything, it just decides to close shop on me. It happens in certain training simulation missions and in the 4th mission in orsini system where you are supposed to escort the civilian transport, defending against the fighters and the corvette. I can never get through that mission without it crashing. It may very well be too much activity. any ideas on how to fix that?
acestarfighter said:
Dosbox crashes. I don't get any sort of error message or anything, it just decides to close shop on me. It happens in certain training simulation missions and in the 4th mission in orsini system where you are supposed to escort the civilian transport, defending against the fighters and the corvette. I can never get through that mission without it crashing. It may very well be too much activity. any ideas on how to fix that?

It could be.. You should watch for what's specifically going on when it happens. Is your transport exploding? Or the Corvette? You might just be able to avoid certain things. If it is activity related, you could also turn down detail in the game options.
Well... in the game options i turned off transistions, stars, and description. It let's me play much futher into the mission... but sometimes when the action gets too hot it will still shut down.
Alright.... so i figured out to go to the in-flight options and i turned detail to low, and turned off pallet flashing, cockpit, and jitter. I finally got through mission 4. But the first mission in the Tomayo series... where the victory is under attack and there is lots of action... i can't get through without it crashing.
The big one is going from SVGA to VGA. That should free up more resources than any of the other details you've disabled.
Alright... so in my in-flight options i turned video mode to VGA... turned off all miscellaneous options and sound options... and turned detail to low. I've gotten to Loconda 1... but it still crashes on me at random times when I try to play this mission. Thank you for all of your help.... but I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever get to play this game.
Removing and putting in a fresh install of DOSBox might not hurt. If you were mounting your CD-ROM before, you might try running a disc off the hard drive and making sure you have a full installation set. Make sure background programs are disabled whenever possible. Run Ad-aware, Spybot S&D and CrapCleaner and then defragment.
There should be an easy fix for this, but I am stumped

I flawlessly run Wing Commander III from my original CD using D-Fend/Dosbox. The first thing I have to do is complete the setup. I complete the setup with no problems whatsoever. However, the last thing to do after completing setup is to select exit and run WC3. I do this, but it asks me to select where I want my save game directory. Ok fine, no problem. I pick a save directory, but it no matter what I pick, it is invalid. Example c:\wc3\save is invalid or c:\wc3 is invalid. I get 2 tries and then it kicks me out saying that I need to consult the manual or something like that.
Sounds like you're just mounting the CD-ROM. You have to first mount your hard drive as C from within DOSBox if you're going to have any access to it.
Help first time user

I just got my hands on dosbox and installed it plus went hunting and dug out my old copy of privateer 2.

after mapping all the drives and installing it when i execute it, it comes up with the following error:

Privateer 2 Fatal Error - setstreamspeed - movies\origins.tgv FILE IS TO SMALL TO ESTIMATE DATA STREAM SPEEDS

Then there are some streams of binary and the final message is:

Wonga = 13500 Creds

Can anyone help me please or at least point me in the right direction.

Perhaps something new...

Hi Guys!

I've been reading this forum for a few days and used some of your tips to run my Wing Commander games, but there's one thing I didn't find on this site. I think I have to tell you, so you can try that.

First the known things:

I had MANY problems playing WC3, so I tried the somehow changed DosBox version from Gulikoza

I think it is the

Before using it, I had the well known problem of WC3 running too slow in combat but having so much cycles in DosBox that the sound already began to stutter.

This version doesn't fix that problem, but it has the advantage that WC3 doesn't crash.

But then: (And this is the new point)

I looked deeper into the DosBox.conf and tried to compensate the stuttering sound by enlarging the blocksize in the mixer settings.

BUT: That created an annoying lag in the sound files (firing a cannon and hearing the sound seconds later, u know...)

So I tried something else: I used (and still use) this setting:


As you see, I set the blocksize to 1024 and the prebuffer to 100.
I don't know whether that is really good, but the sound doesn't stutter anymore. Only the cutscenes have a little lag before starting (there is a black screen for approximately half a second before a cutscene actually starts.)

Before using these settings I couldn't play the game, now I run it with 50000 cycles, and even close combat is no problem.

So if WC3 doesn't run on your machine, you could try that.

By the way: (if you want to know this)
My PC is a AMD Athlon 64 3200+ with 1024 MB RAM, a Radeon 9800 Pro and WinXP Pro.

Hope this is useful.

That's a pretty powerful computer to have to tweak to get WC3 going smoothly. I'd be interested to see what the results were for someone running something in the 1.5-2.0 GHz range.
I think it should work on a slower computer, too. I would test it, but unfortunately I haven't got such a computer with WinXP on it.

So If someone has such a computer: Try it AND post it here!!

But most interesting for me is: Does the trick with the prebuffer in combination with Gulikoza's DosBox work everywhere?
Hi peeps...i didnt read this entire forum, but right now i have a problem with installing WC: Privateer. After installing privateer with DOsbox i ran program but a command prompt comes up next saying somfing about changing "NOEMS" options to "RAM". (Have no idea wot that means but the game DIDNT start up)

First i have read about disabling the EMS option...and by doing that i have to go through the DOSBox Config file (DOXBox-0.63 Conf File). I entered the config file from its folder by using the "open with" option with DOSBox. But on the interface the command simply displays an error in trying to find the Doxbox config file...and the term EMS...whenever i rite on the command prompt...simply says that it is an error. So i cant start up privateer without the EMS option at all. I really need help!!!