RSI Site Switchover


Hey y'all. Not sure if this will hit the CIC front page news today or not, but today's the day that RSI is switching over to their new site. They say all the forum messages will stay intact but you'll lose any PMs you may have had, so just wanted to make sure y'all had a head's up on that.

Switchover's supposed to begin around 17Z (12:00 CDT).
Even got a mail to beta test the site a few days back. Worked fine back then, anxiously awaiting the switch. At least we can finally fix our forum handles over there.
I wonder how that's going to work...I had two handles over there. Wound up with two after some initial problems they were having. I don't necessarily need two...
I believe it's all reset for the launch... Your current account login is reserved... You can use it as your new account name or your unique handle. Your community monker can be whatever you want since it's not unique.
Anyone getting something other than a 404 when trying to access RSI?

EDIT: YEAH, works now! (an hour after trying for the first time)
Anybody else having problems navigating the new site?

May be that they're still adding functionality, I suppose. Could also be browser related.
I think it is because it is still a bit slow, and of course it is still being worked on. But I could click most of the stuff and it worked. Had a bit of problems with the submenu thingies though.

And btw: Yay for 11M!
Finally got to use my credits. Looks like they consolidated my accounts. Everything is cool and froody now.
Man.... I can't decide whether I should be crazy and spend even more money on a game that won't exist for quite a while and I know almost nothing about. I'm talking about getting a 300i.
I mean: I got the Constellation, but sometimes it would surely be an advantage to have something faster and more agile. The 300i may be cool...
Me, the decision's easy: I'm still broke. Or at least "a father with young children", which is an alternative way of saying "broke without a chance of recovery".
I don't have kids yet so I have some money to spend :D
Actually I ordered a new PC today. GTX770 and one of the new intel CPUs. Will cost some 2000 bucks. I hope it will last as long as the one I have now. That one has been my gaming machine for 4 years. I always buy a new PC after approximately 4 years.

I think I'll take a long breath through my cat's fur now, and then look how I think about the 300i after that. Maybe I can derive a decision from the sweet, sweet cat smell. (and a glass of my glorious "Rothaus Tannenzäpfle" beer) :)

EDIT: Corrected some typos.
Yeah, I'll probably just convert the stats into WCRPG. That way I don't have to shell out any buxx and I can fly the thing a full eighteen months earlier than anybody else...
I'll have to post a screenshot when I'm home but there's a visual cue in the directors cut of the 300i commercial straight out of the Wing commander 3 intro... Mistral coasts and all.


TCS Concordia down!...wait...its not!!!
And another one ^^

+ Anvil Gladiator. Now have the Origin M50 Interceptor, the Anvil Hornet Fighter and the Anvil Gladiator Bomber ;) For every Mission a match fighter. Join Black Widow Company too :)
Nice. I don't have the kind of cash for buying all of the different craft up front, so I went with the Origin 315, which seems like a decent jack-of-all-trades for starting off (better all-around than the Aurora, at least).