Road Squadron

I drive the same honda model as the H-wing and there is no way I am going to customise to that but then it does look good.
I love my car the way it is...~~~
Uh oh, I have bad premonitions about a DC 2006 Wing Commander Float for the parade. Especially if somebofy wants to do it in the Stormtrooper Transport style.
I guess my expectations were too high when I saw the link...I was expecting the cars to actually look somewhat like what they were supposedly named. Not very impressed, to say the least.
Warning: Art Cars

Well, if you don't like art cars you probably won' like the H-wing or other Road Squadron vehicles. If so read no further.

There's a lot more to this than paint and a label or two. I think that's like saying that the impressive CIC Prophecy flightsuits are just coveralls with some nylon webbing added.

Here's a Wired article from April 2004 on the H-wing

Here's the H-wing homepage by "Obi-Shawn"

Here's "Obi-Shawn's" answer on his FAQ to "Why H-Wing? What ship is it supposed to be?"
I've modeled my design on the A-Wing from "Return of the Jedi". I didn't add the rear vertical stabilizers because they are illegal, and added an R2 unit instead, so I've dubbed it an H-Wing. It is, after all, a Honda.
There's a lot more to this than paint and a label or two. I think that's like saying that the impressive CIC Prophecy flightsuits are just coveralls with some nylon webbing added.

The CIC Prophecy flightsuits are just coveralls wiht some nylon webbing added.
Hahahaha...great responses, Loaf, Chris. Ok, unlike the CIC Prophecy Flightsuits, the H-Wing looks nothing like its namesake.

The flightsuits a flightsuit. The H-wing...looks like trailer trash.
Can You imagine Raptor class heavy carfighter? ;) Or something like Black Lance Dragon with its fusion plant (you don`t have to refuel it!)? That would be something! :D