Request for WC3 Poster Scans

Thank LOAF. I don't think there was anything wrong with them - JPEG fuzzes out details, as you know. Too, the game is ten years old now. And since my only Privateer manual is a PDF, I can't say whether it's any better, but I don't think so.

BTW, did you get the others in the e-mail, or did I stuff up?
Originally posted by TC
From a game released in '93... made to have shots taken of it to turn into rather low quality sprites... They're much prettier than the ones for Wing Commander 2.

That explains it. :D

Originally posted by Wedge009
Thank LOAF. I don't think there was anything wrong with them - JPEG fuzzes out details, as you know. Too, the game is ten years old now. And since my only Privateer manual is a PDF, I can't say whether it's any better, but I don't think so.

BTW, did you get the others in the e-mail, or did I stuff up?

Yes I did thanks Wedge. I don't plan on modeling those though. ;) They're for my movie and they're not featured in the it. Only the Centurion is because the idea is that a pair of Excals comes upon a debris field which was a convoy of Draymans escorted by Centurions that got ambushed by Kilrathis.

BTW I have that PDF too but it's sufficient quality for me to use as orthographic views.
Oh yeah, I meant to ask you which of the multiple versions of the Drayman you're planning on making...
The Privateer version. :)


Here's the latest picture of my progress:



Originally posted by Wulf
Keep up the good work guys!

Guys? :D

Yeah the Centurian was in Privateer and Righteous Fire. I will be modeling a Drayman-ish freighter from those games too (plus probably one other freighter of original design). The Centurian and Draymans in my movie will be adrift and half destroyed... ;)
It's a good thing I'm here to edit your html tags into vb tags so you don't look like an idiot :)
Trying to perfect the metallic look of the Kilrathi plasteel... hard to do since I'm not as experienced with materials as I am with modeling. :( This may be a while...
