Reoccurring dreams

Maniac II wrote: "you had some latin writen above your name, what does it mean?"

I think I wrote: verbum sapienti, o pluris habient, e o pluris scipient ( I perpetually spell that last word wrong... oh well, it's close enough for pronunciation's sake).

I like this phrase because it has a subtle double meaning to it. First, it means," Words of wisdom: the more that are had, the more that are wanted." It speaks to the idea that the acquisition of true wisdom, rather than making its posessor self-righteous and close to new information, in fact creates humility and a desire for more wisdom. The wisest people I have ever met have also been the most teachable and the most humble when giving correction.

But, with a clever twist in the way the emphasis is placed, it can imply "Many words are had, but we need more wise ones." Thus, in quoting a latin phrase (often done to make the speaker appear educated in wise) I both speak of my desire to be like the wise people I know, and I also gently chide myself in a tounge-in-cheek fashion for my wordiness and occasional penchant for using flowery language to try to make myself feel better about the amount of money I spent on my higher education! :D

ugh, that stuff on his bottom teeth looks like solidified milk. ugh, Im not drinking milk ever again, or until I forget that pic...
Well you know, you dont have to look at it, you can scroll right past it, and its not like you have to see it to read the most recent posts...
Maniac II said:
Well you know, you dont have to look at it, you can scroll right past it, and its not like you have to see it to read the most recent posts...

I know, but I still caught a glimpse of it when I scrolled past it, or at least I did until that pic got deleted.

hey Sphinx, are you a shrink or training to become one?
I have a weird dream where I am at work, Red Robin restaraunts (haven't worked there in like two years, but I still have the dreams) and I am the opening server. THey start seating people and more people and then the cooks don't show up and I have to go back and cook the food. They keep seating more and more people, and soon they are in the parking lot, and at my house, but they just keep coming.

I always wake up with a jump, like if you fall off something in your dreams and you wake up with a kick.

I used to have this other dream about work, when one my Buddies who was a manager there comes running out of an alley in his work uniform. THen I hear marching, and then rows upon rows of Red Robins (mascot, big red bird) goose stepping out of the alley like nazi's.

I guess I had a deep rooted feeling of being oppressed at work lol.
I have a reccurring dream where I have to go back to highschool. All the same people are there, and I feel very humiliated.
I also dream a lot about shooting bad people or critters, but nothing happens, I shoot them many times and they don't get hurt.
It sucks.
Iceman wrote: "Sphinx, are you a shrink or training to become one?"
Currently, I am an intern in marriage and family therapy, which is also known as family psychology or systems psychology. I work a great deal treating depression, anxiety, marital distress, substance abuse, and sexual addictions. I have also done some work with psychotic disorders such as delusional disorder and schizophrenia. I also do therapy with children who have been physically and sexually abused. With all of that put together, plus my family, I'm a pretty busy guy.

I'm just working on finishing up my qualifications to become a fully liscenced Marriage and Family Therapist. It's pretty demanding. We even have to do more work for liscensure than your average clinical psychologist, because we study both
individual psychic difficulties and relational issues. Anyway, I won't hijack this thread, but if you are curious about my profession, you can PM me or we can start a new thread.

When i was about 5 or 6 years old a had this horrible nightmare about a huge bipedal goat that impaled me on his pitchfork and ate me. Later i started dreaming about a second smaller one that killed me and my family when we were about to open the christmas presants. When i was 6 i dreamed i killed them out with a plastic shovel, and a never had the nightmare again.

I know it sounds stupid, but it was a really horrible dream.
I think the most frustrating dream I ever had involved playing checkers with my sister. She kept making 2 or 3 moves at once without giving me the opportunity to take a turn. I literally woke up yelling, "It's my turn!" I actually wanted to ring her neck until I calmed down after a few minutes.
The only nightmare I ever had, last 20 years anyway, during Desert Storm I had one about my piece of shit Beretta M-9 Fragmentation pistol wouldn't fire. :mad:
My most common reoccuring dream is pretty understandable; I'll be in a dangerous situation, fighting someone or something. When I go to fire my weapon/throw a punch, I can never do any damage. It's more a frustrating dream than anything.

Oh, and I sometimes have dreams about specific people where I pretty much cuss them out. It's therapeutic.
Always nice to see a thread of mine going nice and strong.

In a dream I had last night, I was in Kitchen Stadium and Sakai was making all this food when I was in the audience and I started yelling, "Lady Di, Lady Di, Lady Di.......Renoir!" And then everyoned gasped at my interruption and then I went up to Iron Chef Sakai and started requesting in Japanese that he make all my favorite dishes and he complied. Make sense of that will you.