Release date announcement!


Glad to hear there is finally another adventure to conquer, lucky for me I get off work on the 23rd for 10 days. This will keep me very occupied. Thank you for your hard work and thanks for extending this series even though those bastards at EA didn't want to see it happen. You guys did for free what they wouldn't do for a profit, shame on them, kudos to you!

Quarto said:
Now I can sleep.

Says who? :p

Great work, Q. While I've heard all the voice-overs (Heck, only a hundred times for each one of them) - it'll be amazing to hear them all chattering simultaniously in game. :D
Psych emailed me about this the other day, which is why I dropped the whole argument, but apparently it didn't work.

psych said:
FA said that three carriers were still trappd on drydock in the Lunar shipyards when they were destroyed. Of course, we don't know the names, that's why I put Wolfhound and Austerlitz (both carriers mentioned in End Run, because we don't see them or hear of them after), and one I made up called the Copenhagen (a Jutland named after the sea battle of Copenhagen) in case you or Quarto wanted to make a scene of it getting blown up. That way, that carrier shows up more then once.
So, the list on Fleet Tactics is someone's best guess - psych's, LOAF's, it doesn't really matter to the argument. I'm pretty sure it isn't LOAF's, though, since like me and Quarto said, there's no mention of the Wolfhound anywhere on his carrier list.

As you can see, Psych put the Wolfhound there because we don't see it ever show up again after ER... but like I said, there's absolutely no indication whatsoever, in any canon source that the Wolfhound was destroyed, and there certainly aren't any indications of the circumstances under which such an event would have happened. The three carriers destroyed in Lunar shipyards don't even necessarily include any Bengals.
Quarto said:

All right, guess it's back to slaving away on Standoff, then.

Wait, have a cookie for you!

I greatly expect the release and know that will be a great, great game. (altough a short one :P)
Each episode will behave differently depending on your performance and the choices you've made in the previous Episode... so you all better keep more than just one Ep 1 savegame if you wanna fly all the missions / hear all the dialogue / see all the fiction in Ep 2. :)
I think if we were to release all the episodes together, you would find that the whole thing is actually pretty long - altogether, we've got more missions than WC1. But yes, in the episodic release format, it will unfortunately seem a bit short. Still, there is a fair amount of replay value in there ;).
If you wanted to see all the dialogue, read all the fiction and venture down every possible path, it'd actually take you a fair while. Definitely long enough to put you on until the next episode is released. The good news, is that with this prologue release, we can happily say that the leadup to this one is the longest you should have.

It's not like we need to make new models for the next episode, nor do we need to record more generic voices, only special-lines (and we have a great, reliable cast that we know will get the job done) - From here, the task is much less daunting than it originally was. The prologue will most likely be the highest hurdle (don't quote me on that, please :p)
Tempest said:
The good news, is that with this prologue release, we can happily say that the leadup to this one is the longest you should have.
Correct. I think it's safe to say it will not take four years to produce Episode 2 :D.