Vice Admiral
Originally posted by Excelsis
I'm only going to quote this last part, because I think it illustrates best what ridiculous ideas you have. If you were to be born in a communist country, they don't let you leave...ever. They don't let you travel around the country you're in, unless you're part of the "elite." They don't pay you real money, they pay money that you can only use in that country. They don't let you speak your mind. For instance if England was a communist country you'd be summarily executed for speaking out against Tony Blair. Why do you think there was a Berlin Wall, it wasn't to keep us out, it was to keep them in. But hey, if that's the kind of "freedom" you want, then go for it. Enjoy living in your hovel, with no heat, no food, and no say in how things get done.The rest of us will enjoy the freedom that we have now.
It ain't perfect but it's better than the alternative.
Right on dude! and Madman, with that last post you are living up to your name