Originally posted by Delance
The Tigershark is a "light attack craft". What's your point?
Well, my point was that the Vindicator, like the Sabre, is on the heavy" end--its function as a fighter-bomber means it is slower than most non-bombers but has more armor and missiles. On the other hand, the Rapier is made to take on faster craft, at the expense of anti-capship power (unless Quatro and company are planning to give the Rapier some light torps, that is.).
Yes, it would be a nice combo. In fact, the Vindicator is greatly superior to the Scimitar or the Epee. And it's also better, arguably, than the Hellcat or the Tigershark.
The Hellcat and Scimitar purists would disagree with you, but I would agree--the Vindicator would be an excellent light bomber.
Hey! Let's not downgrade the turn rate. The Scim was a bad and slugish ship on WC1. The Vindicator had a decent turn rate on WC4. And Pliers was able to boost either armor or speed, so let's put this improvements on the other vindicators.
Well actually I was referring to the turn rate that the Scimitar had in UE1, which was better than that of the Grathra and Avenger, but still less than the fast fighters that you flew. The Vindicator should feel a little bit sluggish, but not slow-as-a-snail like the WCP Devastator.
In the tradition of the BW, the Vind should have 6 DFs and 4Hs and 2 IRs plus 4 Lt Torps for the "bomber" version and 4 DFs, 8Hs and 4 IRs for the "fighter" version.
Too strong. I'd make it 4 DF/4 HS/2 IR/4 LT and 2 DF/6 HS/2 IR instead.
And since everyone have tachyons now, why not give it 2 normal tachyons and 2 mass drivers/viper cannons? It would be neat.
2 Tachyon/2 Viper would be way too powerful. Perhaps 2 Laser/2 Viper instead. As for giving it 2 Tachyon/2 Mass Driver, that would make the Vindicator be too much like the Grathra.
As for the Banshee: upgrade one set of lasers to viper or MD, it needs it.
Well, that's what the dual Stormfire cannons are for, right? But seriously, 2 Laser/2 Ion would be cool.