R.I.P. Shadowrun Online

Yeah I was pretty heartbroken when I read the news on SRO. It was being made by fans of the tabletop game, who wanted to keep it as much in line with the established story as possible.

MS does own FASA intereactive, and has the publishing rights for all media for Shadowrun, Battletech, Crimson Skies (and whatever other video games FASA interactive did).

What old school Shadowrun fans are upset about is that MS has taken the Shadowrun name and some of the precepts (man meets magic/machine) and created a different world so to speak. It takes place at least twenty years before the first Shadowrun RPG, as well as throwing out much of the established lore.

I think FanPro/Wizkids have already come out and said the FPS is an "alternate" world to Shadowrun, and will not affect thier own Shadowrun games, which are a continuation of the Original story.

Sad news but the Devs who were making SRO online, Sixth World Games have decided to create another Cyberpunk RPG or MMO using a more Gibson model, no magic, just cyberpunk.

We will have to see.
Sad news but the Devs who were making SRO online, Sixth World Games have decided to create another Cyberpunk RPG or MMO using a more Gibson model, no magic, just cyberpunk.

Why is it a sad thing to see the series get a new installment?

I'd love to see something like ExoSquad come back in any form. I certainly wouldn't complain about the format until I had experienced it for myself.
Indeed, it would be pretty weird if it was otherwise - after all, how could a dead author defend his copyrights for another 70 years? :)

Easy*. The author's estate can handle it, if the author in question had set it up that way prior to his or her passing.

* for some values of "easy", that is :p

Oh, and Delance? Who do you think is the copyright holder, in a majority of cases?

Hello! McFly!
No, he most likely will never understand why people can hate a game they've never played simply because it takes place in a universe they like.
This isn't even an example of some poor fan project being crushed by a big greedy company -- it was essentially blackmail, a group of "fans" building a following and insisting that Microsoft buy their game after it was finished. That just sucks.

(You'll notice there aren't 'free' fan MMP games... it's not because they're hard to design, it's because they require a massive amount of money to maintain. You need to sell subscriptions or advertising or something to keep them going, you can't build one as a tribute like Standoff.)
But guys, he said "FPS," he wins.

Instead they sit on the Shadowrun game license for 10 years and decide to make a crappy FPS!
I know I'm late to the party but durr, I totally feel your anguish, man. Did you know they're doing the same thing to Wing Commander? EA sat on it for years and decided to make a crappy arcade game out of it.

Thank god we have our labels or we might have to think for ourselves.