Pull the Chrono Trigger, Watch the Time Fly

Originally posted by PopsiclePete
Are you being sarcastic ? While I've never played it, some poeple told me Tactics was just about battles, battles and battles. If that's true, it can hardly be called a Role Playing Game, can it ?

Its a RPG/Tactics game. You level up, you gain experience, but the battle system is just different.

It does happen to have the most in-depth story I've ever seen in a game, ranging from politics to religion to some light philosophy.
Rent it first, it's admittedly not everyone's cup of tea. It's not the most lighthearted or simple story to be involved in. The good news is that the Greatest Hits release of it can be had for $20.
Originally posted by LeHah
Rent it first, it's admittedly not everyone's cup of tea. It's not the most lighthearted or simple story to be involved in. The good news is that the Greatest Hits release of it can be had for $20.

Indeed. I've never played it myself but I've heard everything you've said from others. All I have heard is how amazing and engrossing the game is. Same with the plot, although a few people consider it "convoluted."

They probably just don't get it....

For an amazing plot, though, definitely check out Xenosaga for PS2. Admittedly, I'm not even halfway through the game but, thus far, tis incredible and really draws you in. Although, truly, tis the Metal Gear Solid of RPGs; you sit watching cinematics and story-driving dialogue for the majority of the time. They are, thankfully, a sight to behold and very cool.
Originally posted by LeHah
I am a massive fan of Xenogears.

Ah, yes. The other game I have been recommended to play by all my friends. They all say it's the greatest RPG on the PSX, except the one who claims it's "slow and a bit on the boring side."