Hi folks,
I was able to load Prophecy into an SSD (120GB) I use for games, and did the listed procedure for the HD movies. Game runs fine, but when you click on "Talk to Hawk" at beginning, I get agrey screen. Installed form disk, and you get 1st movie with Zero just fine. I did unzip all the patches, but the readmes were a bit confusing. I unzipped the folders in my Prophecy folder, and the readmes seem to say to leave the files in the folders, and the files you need to overwrite are in the Prophecyfolder. If you unszip a file into the Prohecy folder, you get another folder within. It won't overwrite the .dll file that way, so I moved all the files into Prophecy. So, the game works as is, but the movie upgrade doesn't. I am sure this is just a dumbass mistake, so am I screwing up the "unzip it to the Prophecy part? Thanks,