Prophecy MIA recovery unwinable?


Rear Admiral
Hello folks! I am currently replaying Wing Commander Prophecy. I never finishied it when it first came out because I met the woman that was to become my wife. ANYWAY...

Playing on a Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz (dual-threaded) Gateway running XP3. I have installed all the upgrades to the game (hi-res set to 1440 by 900 and HCl's DVD movie patch installed). I am currently on T'Lan Meth 2, the MIA recovery scenario. After CONSTANTLY losing I get real agressive on the 6th try on Veteran. After using every missile I have destroyed every Neph ship before the pilot can be abducted. However, the SAR ship Condor does not tractor him in! Just sits still in space responding that everthing is all right when I ask it's status. No communication option for talking to the ejection pod. No autopilot option so after 12 minutes I proceed back to the Midway the hard way. After half an hour of real time flying, once I am within 400,000 clicks of the Midway I get the "Mission failed" announcement. :mad: After manually landing (still no autopilot option) the mission results says I successfully escorted the SAR ship but did not ensure the pilot was rescued. I destroyed 6 ships with 0% damage to myself.

Has this happened to anyone else? I don't wish to keep replaying this mission if it is an "Escort the Pelicans" pre-scripted failure mission. Has anyone ever won it? Does the game difficulty need to be set to Ace or higher for the mission to be winnable? Any other suggestions?
I can't help with whatever is causing this glitch (hopefully someone else can) but I can tell you that it's indeed winnable. There's no reason the SAR shouldn't be picking up the pilot. If you can't fix it you can continue on with failing this mission and I think you'll be back on track by mission 5 of this system.