Privateer 2 Crash

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Privateer 2 Winxp

I tried using the windows patch, compatibility mode, and dos box in various combinations with the same results of the game crashing every time i tried leaving the first planet. The only way i was able to get it to work properly (finally) was to install the game from the install.exe file from disc 1. This allowed me to select my proper hardware or compatible hardware. Then I set it up to run in dosbox using the d-fend gui. I didnt need the windows patch and i didn't need to run the application in compatibility mode. I'm using XP sp2 with an nvidia 7900gs and creativelabs Audigy 2 and the game runs as well as i remember it back in the good old days.
Hello, everyone. I am also having the same "crash when leaving the first planet" issue. I, too, have tried turning off video transitions, turning off my video and sound acceleration in the "dxdiag" application, have tried the compatibility modes, have tried shutting down every application (and virtually every Windows service), and so forth. I am running an Intel P4 2.8 GHz, 1.5 GB of RAM, with an ATI Radeon 9800 256 MB graphics card.

Can you tell me where i can download the 4.11 drivers? I have an X800 video card and the earliest one i can download on the ATI site is 6.9.



Rich, I have found a great site for downloading old versions of drivers for ATI graphics cards (I'm sure that it has drivers for numerous other hardware types as well):

Unfortunately it doesn't tell you which cards work with which catalyst driver versions, but at least this is a site where you can download old drivers!

I am going to try downloading old drivers for my Radeon 9800 (in addition to the fixes I have been trying already) to see if this works. If this doesn't work, then I will try Deacon's suggestion of removing my 1 GB stick of RAM so that I am just running on 512 MB, as well as adjusting the Windows page file size below 500 MB. I will report back to let you know if any of these methods allows me to leave the first planet successfully.

Teran - Nirvana
Yikes. I give up (for now). I tried all of the things I mentioned in my post above and just cannot get the game to work in XP. It just could be that people with ATI video cards from around the 2006 era and later will have no choice but to try to play on a dual-boot system with another OS (haven't verified if that works on my system yet either), or wait until someone comes up with some other solution. I just cannot get it to work. I'll try again sometime in the future when I have the urge to play the game again, but for now, I give up. Sorry I couldn't offer any great solutions to you guys.

Teran - Nirvana
this sux!

it was working fine I played it many times i had a saved game, didn't touch it for awhile, came back and now the saved game is gone, i can play as much as I want but as soon as I try to save the game it says
"The instruction at 00472350 referenced memory at 00000010. The memory could not be read from."
and boom, have to start back at the beginning. Does anyone know which file is the save file and if it has a directory?
After I complete certain missions and land on a planet or space station everything seems fine. As soon as I leave and land again the stupid referenced memory crash error appears and it does it everytime. The only thing I can do is reload before completing the mission and not doing it which of course I would then fail. Then I can go on and complete some other mission and everything works fine. I wish somebody knows how to solve this proplem because I am getting fustrated. I know it will happen again on some other mission but will not know which mission unil it happens on it. I am running Window XP and have Privateer 2 deluxe edition.
It might be something to do with the movie player - turn off video transitions, at least that way, you will get to the planet before it tries to play any movies.
solved my problem

So just in case anyone was having the same problem as me, I had privateer working fine and I guess at one point the folder got moved from c:\dark to c:\program files\Privateer 2. and then It would crash every time I tried to save it. So I moved it back to C:\Dark and now it works just fine. Except for some minor audio pops. If anyone knows how to fix the audio I'd be interested to know, it works except there are lots of popping noises going on all the time... somewhat annoying!

just found my P2 discs and was extatic as i havent played it in ages i'm running XP home and Pro on my 2 pcs and on both it runs to fast the movie cut scenes run fine but anything else runs at 5x speed i've tried DOSBOX and that was no help and also tried all different options in compatability mode. ANY IDEAS?
