Great job guys!
I've been watching and waiting for this mod for about three years.. From the original, defunct UE to the current iteration.
Graphics.... Excellent. WC1 in 3D, with all the fluidness that WC1 (and the Vision engine) had. 1024x768*32... Personally I'd vie for a 1280x1024 update to the screens in the future if its possible.
Music... Great. Original compositions, I love it.
Cutscenes/FMV... Great. Well done FMV with an excellent divx patch, and cutscenes that use the camaras 10x better then SO.
Voice acting... VERY well done for such a small mod. Gets the job done without being excessive, and has feeling to its as well. Better then SOs.
Misisons... EXCELLENT. Better then SOs "clear 50 nav points and kill 50,000 bugs," complex, more like WC1 missions. Professionally done and bug tested like a real game.
Story/Fiction - Viewer kicks butt, intergrates your callsign in (took me a while to figure out why the dude was "Jumper"). A great story
Difficulty... It's HARD! Not "kill a lot of ships" hard but mentally hard, with the changing objectives and the equipment you have to use. Like the good old days of WC3 when 4 Vak's were scary...
Well done. I've seen professional games that were worse then this. X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter is one example. These 11 missions take me back to what WC is really about, something the "bugkilling fest" of SO didn't even do.
I'll wait another 3 years for UE 2 any time!