Post your Unknown Enemy opinions

Also, liked the "enemy" in-flight comms. Brings me back to WC3, where I got my start in WC.

Any plans to mod a Concordia-class ship?... That gets my vote for the "base" ship for the next go 'round of UE.
Originally posted by Quarto
Wow, LeHah, I didn't realise you dislike your own voice that much :p. Though I must say, I also find the three lines I had in the game highly annoying.

My few lines are pretty horrible too, and I'm one of the first ones you get to hear! :(

Final tally -
WC:UE -> 98
My acting talents -> -2

And UE missed getting a perfect score from me because of me, a little ironic :).

Originally posted by WildWeasel
Check out Level 7 in the simulator.

How ironical: I messed around w/ the sim a bit last nite ('bout 4 different missions), but must not've landed on #7.

Thx 4 the tip. I'll get on it soon as I get home from work. Hoo-Wah!

(Still hope to see one as players' HOME ship next time out, tho!)

One question: With all the WC mods out there "in progress", wouldn't UE now go down in history as the first "completely finished" WC mod?...
er, help? I go after the fralthi in the second mission (hunt and capture) but it doesnt let me auto to the nav point and when I afterburn there the capship is gone and there's just a pack of vaktoth
Read the FAQ. At that point you get a comm message asking you to choose a NAV point. As you need to choose, the auto light won't come on. just hit Ctrl-N and select the NAV point you want and the auto light will come on.

Great job guys!

I've been watching and waiting for this mod for about three years.. From the original, defunct UE to the current iteration.

Graphics.... Excellent. WC1 in 3D, with all the fluidness that WC1 (and the Vision engine) had. 1024x768*32... Personally I'd vie for a 1280x1024 update to the screens in the future if its possible.

Music... Great. Original compositions, I love it.

Cutscenes/FMV... Great. Well done FMV with an excellent divx patch, and cutscenes that use the camaras 10x better then SO.

Voice acting... VERY well done for such a small mod. Gets the job done without being excessive, and has feeling to its as well. Better then SOs.

Misisons... EXCELLENT. Better then SOs "clear 50 nav points and kill 50,000 bugs," complex, more like WC1 missions. Professionally done and bug tested like a real game.

Story/Fiction - Viewer kicks butt, intergrates your callsign in (took me a while to figure out why the dude was "Jumper"). A great story :P

Difficulty... It's HARD! Not "kill a lot of ships" hard but mentally hard, with the changing objectives and the equipment you have to use. Like the good old days of WC3 when 4 Vak's were scary...

Well done. I've seen professional games that were worse then this. X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter is one example. These 11 missions take me back to what WC is really about, something the "bugkilling fest" of SO didn't even do.

I'll wait another 3 years for UE 2 any time!
Unknown Enemy Opinion

I'd just like to say that so far, I'm disappointed with the game. It's nothing against the missions or the cutscenes or opening or anything; I haven't been able to get there yet. I just think the game should not have been released with a bug that keeps some people from getting the game to run without any troubleshooting as to how to get around this problem (the error 87 thing). I would like some suggestions of the sort or something so I can play the game, which I'm sure I will like.

I didnt have to read the FAQ to get that far. I go to the Vaktoth nav, warm the kitties up, get a positive ID on the Fralthi (the "Its retreating into the belt" part) and the Fralthi nav appears on my screen. Im unable to autopilot to it, unable to go there on the nav map, and when I afterburn there (through realspace) all thats hanging around are some Vaktoth. No Fralthi, no way to get there faster, and Im using the Epee (BTW nice work making a decent combat craft out of a paper plane)
Are you going at full speed? and as soon as you get a location on the Fralthi? It's timed very closely... you basically need to go at it right away or you'll lose it in the asteroids. As the comm says, "forget those vaktoths... punch your burners and go"
Yeah, my problem was that by the time it said that, the Vaktoth were half-dead and I killed the last in a flyby, guess if they die before you get within a certain distance then you "waited too long".

Just finished that mission. Anyone else who has done the same probably can visualize the silly grin on my face when I found out what the benefit is. :D
Originally posted by Preacher

About the only downer thus far is the in-flight comm pilot. The head/helmet looks too vaguely defined. Maybe the lighting could be adjusted or something?....

It's xmition from a military fighter... What, you think if we had video comms on current era fighters, the pilots would put on makeup and adjust lighting before responding?

LOVE IT!!! The only way this could get more authentic would be if it'd come in a box.

As for the voice acting, it may not be oscar winning, but neither was the voice acting for the comms in the canon WC games. Far better than in some contemporary commercial games.
Well, UE is the Canine's Gonads and no mistake. It is VERY difficult. I've had 2 missions out of the first 8 on which I've had to drop the difficulty down from Nightmare to Ace, which always seems like cheating to me. This game is an education on ammunition and fuel economy.

The Beaufort station mission (where you have to rescue all the transports). When I fly the Schim (It may be the Epee, I forget which) the ship fails to continue the mission after refueling a Beaufort. The mission ends and I get the stats screen. This then puts me on the very annoying (although wonderfully animated) losing path.

But apart from that the game is fantastic. I have to admit that I started screaming at the PC when I first started playing this morning, especially with my favourite habit of finishing enemy ships with dumbfire deflection shots. Particularly good with autoslide on the Epee.

I personally like Pedro's voiceover for the dauntless. Unfortuately for all the wrong reasons. :D

UE looks FANTASTIC!! All the work that has been done is well worth it and all of the ships look perfect. I always thought that WC1 and 2 ships would look silly in SO, but the quality of the modelling and textures is incredible. The cutscenes are far better than anything origin ever managed, especially as fighting is shown in detail that seems credible.

Finally, the UE Epee is a cracking ship. None of the ships have significant amounts of armour anyway, so the difference between the Epee and the Scimitar is not really that noticable.

All in all, UE is more than I hoped for: The music is excellent, as are the graphics, ships and missions. apart from the very time consuming landing sequences the game is perfect.

Thank you
Originally posted by jammyo2k
The Beaufort station mission (where you have to rescue all the transports). When I fly the Schim (It may be the Epee, I forget which) the ship fails to continue the mission after refueling a Beaufort. The mission ends and I get the stats screen. This then puts me on the very annoying (although wonderfully animated) losing path.

Well I can't be certain but this sounds like Beaufort was destroyed early on in the mission

Originally posted by jammyo2k
I personally like Pedro's voiceover for the dauntless. Unfortuately for all the wrong reasons.

I'm scared
Sorry Pedro. I liked your voice over because it reminded me of an announcement made on a railway station PA system a little while ago. I'm suprised when I hear a real english accent in a game instead of the a BBC-type public school accent.
Sorry if I sounded too wierd
Re: Unknown Enemy Opinion

Originally posted by Unregistered
I just think the game should not have been released with a bug that keeps some people from getting the game to run without any troubleshooting as to how to get around this problem (the error 87 thing). I would like some suggestions of the sort or something so I can play the game, which I'm sure I will like.
Well, the error 87 thing is not a UE bug, it's a problem with your graphics card. Now, as much as I wish we had a solution for you, we don't have the troubleshooting department of a big company behind us... we don't have the resources to ensure that UE works on every graphics card out there. So, I'm afraid the only suggestion we have is to try it on a different computer :(.

Jammy, that sounds like something screwed up during the refuelling scene. When the player has no control over his ship, he can't even quit the game, so we had to put in a failsafe which exits the mission if the scene lasts too long. Of course, that doesn't the answer the question why something went wrong :(. It's likely to be a very rare problem, though.

Chernikov, when the Dauntless tells you to use your afterburners, that's a pretty big hint right there ;). You need to get close enough to the Fralthi nav (which is only about 100,000 klicks away anyway) before x amount of time. Feel free to kill all the Vaktoths, but unless you're in an Epee, you're not going to be able to make up for the time lost on them.
ahh gotcha, just checked the Dauntless in Mission 3 and it only had one engine left from the previous mission, guess I shoulda protected it a bit better :D ok i'll start from the beginning again....been a LONG time since i've played Prophecy.
Awesome mod guys, Please don't quit modding for this game, its awesome. I was wondering if it would be possible for remakes of wc 1 , wc 2, and the addons for the games to be recreated into a mod like this. you got some of the models already so it wouldn't be impossible?
Well, there had been a project that wanted to make a WC1 version of WCP... in fact, they're in the UE credits, because we're still using their Salthi model. But the project eventually ground to a halt - most of the people working on it had to move on to other things, and there was no one to replace them. At any rate, implementing the WC1 or WC2 storyline would be a difficult and time-consuming task.