Political Compass

cff said:
As I said right wing and economic right aren't the same thing. And where else would you put Blair? Economic left he isn't I'd dare to say.
Sure he is. He's not as far left as his labour predecessors, and certainly not as far left as France or Sweden, perhaps, but it's not like he's trying to lower the taxes or do anything right-wingish.

Also, could you elaborate on what you mean when you distinguish right wing and economic right?
The site is very far off on the US primaries 2004. Some democrats should be more to the left, and more to the authoritarian side, I think.
Not that I put much in the accuracy of the poll, it had me as a Econo L/R at 8.12 and SocLib/Auth. 1.38.

BTW, I've been gone because I've been starting up a trucking company. We now have 4 trucks running.
"Mav, do You have the number of the truck driving school we saw? TruckMaster I think it is... I might need that"

Delance said:
The site is very far off on the US primaries 2004. Some democrats should be more to the left, and more to the authoritarian side, I think.

That hugely depends on the point of view. The US democrats would qualify as a RIGHT wing party here when looking at their views compared to the parties here (Austria, but valid vor most Europe I'd dare to say).
Quarto said:
Eh, that's just because Europe's so left that they simply don't know what's right any more :p.

The same thing here in Brazil. Worse, even. The big party that won the presidential elections ("Worker's Party", composed mostly of middle-class intelectuals) has a soviet red star as a symbol, the super-minister is a "former" cuban-trained revolutionary, and every major political rally has a very large number of communist flags. Do they think the president is considered to be on the left? No. :rolleyes:

It's probably more politically efficient to follow "hip" collectivism without declaring yourself to be on the left wing, perhaps even on the US.
Ripper said:
BTW, I've been gone because I've been starting up a trucking company. We now have 4 trucks running.

Confed fighters should be equipped with airhorns to blast the Kilrathi through the com system. Maybe little fans clipped onto the dashboards too.
psych: ... Dean's... nuts.

Ripper: Good luck to you.

Quarto: Well, it does seem to me (Swede) that the supposedly left-wing batch (currently a whopping TWO big parties) has turned a good deal towards the right... And we know what right-wing is, alright. It's the ideology for those ****heads who wants to take away our school and healthcare and social safetynets. :rolleyes:
Actually, as an ultra-capitalist in Sweden I find no party available for me to vote on. Every party here is so far to the left of the Liberal Democrat Party in the USA that I find myself frustrated. The closest I come to some sort of right wing is kristdemokraterna, but they're also liberal in a very strange way. I desire a free market party in Sweden, and am generally so tired of the wasteful leftist rule here. Just goes to show that it all depends on who You ask.
Sorry to say dude... One of the parties in the government coalition still has pictures of Lenin in their assembly hall. So yep!
Communists don't exist, LOAF, they were invented by Senator Macharty.

Bah, the communists on Russia have Lenin's mummy itself on their assembly hall!
Mystery muppet said:
Quarto: Well, it does seem to me (Swede) that the supposedly left-wing batch (currently a whopping TWO big parties) has turned a good deal towards the right... And we know what right-wing is, alright. It's the ideology for those ****heads who wants to take away our school and healthcare and social safetynets. :rolleyes:
Oh, not in the least. Right-wingers don't want to take away your public schools, public healthcare, et cetera. What we want is for you to stop imposing your public schools, healthcare and social safetynets on us. I'm sure there are people with views more extreme than mine (just as there are people on your side who think we should live in communes, et cetera), but as far as I'm concerned, you can keep your public education, healthcare and social security systems - on two conditions:

1. Don't make them compulsory. If I would rather pay a private doctor, that's my choice - and my right.

2. As a logical continuation of that first point, find some other way to finance your "government-funded" public systems. Separate their budget from the rest of the government budget, and collect funds for it through taxes that are only extracted out of those who want to participate. Much like private insurance companies - which, last I checked, are invariably in better financial shape (and offer better services!!) than their governmental counterparts.

The way things are right now, even if I don't ever use public healthcare, I'm forced to pay for it through taxes. That this is unfair goes without question. It's as if some baker hired a bunch of thugs to force people to pay even if they don't want to buy bread from him. It's also a very dangerous precedent. After all, if you don't mind paying the government and then using whatever healthcare they decide to give you (which is never worth as much as the taxes you put in to cover it), then logically, you shouldn't mind if the government introduces the same compulsory deal for food... and then clothes, and other basic necessities. But of course, such stuff doesn't grow on trees, so they'd raise taxes to a nice, even 100%. In short, they'd make you their slave.

Of course, you will reply, the government wouldn't introduce such a deal for food and clothes or other necessities because it's not needed. The private sector takes care of this stuff just fine, without any government (i.e., the taxpayer's) money. Which begs the question - if I can privately take care of the absolute necessities without any help from the government, why would I need the government's help for all this less important stuff like healthcare?
Quarto said:
But of course, such stuff doesn't grow on trees, so they'd raise taxes to a nice, even 100%. In short, they'd make you their slave.

Well, you have a good idea about the ultimate goal of socialism. No wonder you got such a good economical score on the compass.
Ok. But imagine this: Would you like to have someone dying in front of a hospital just because he doesn't have enough money to pay for an insurance? I happily pay for public health care, even if I don't need it, to prevent stuff like that.
Besides the moral aspect of it you also shouldn't forget the social one. My country is on of the safest on the world also because there isn't that sharp of a social difference as it is for example in the USA.
OTOH I am all for forced work if someone thinks he can just lay back and relax and have the society take care for him.

Personally I actually think that capitalism is going to fail. Fail hard. It is a much much worse system then even communism in my eyes (at least communism *COULD* work if the society would have evolved far enough). And no, I am not left. But in a system where the only real value is the shareholder value you evolve into a society where 1% has the money and 99% starve. And again ignoring all social and political aspects (for example that it is in fact the multi national concerns that start to rule instead of the politicians) that arise from that what then? The rich 1% won't have any customers remaining either.
Sides capitalism is extremely shortsighted. Maximize profits today and forget about tomorrow. Obviously it works and it works extremely well for today - but its a short sighted route.

In my eyes there needs to be found some middle way in the long run. For here I'd like to see less social security as is today (as it is extremely hight in some areas) but also less power for the concerns right now. Instead shift the money to those that are doing the hard work - the middle class.
As you migth have guessed already I often change the party I vote for because I prefer a certain balance over the classic politic groupings. And noone provides that position in one package tho many claim they do.