physical models to buy?

Thought some of you may want to know, a trial run of the studio bergstrom ships have just been completed and should be available for order soon.

They are cheaper and higher detail, in general, than what we can get from shapeways,
I have mine on order and look forward to painting these!


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is it possbile to order a bigger scale painted model, which is not intended for playing a table top game?

I do on occasion take painting commissions, however.
1. Im pickey It eats what little free time I have so I have to want to do it. (this is decided after we discuss briefly what you would want.
2. Im expensive, It takes between 4 and 20 hrs depending on size and detail, for painting alone, more if modeling is required. then more for shipping (insurance optional) and Id have to investigate shipping between the states and germany. it adds up annoyingly. The cost is usually a huge turnoff and I dont blame you one bit. But again it eats 4-20+ hrs of what little free time I have.
3. I have long lead times. Typically 4-5 months though I usually deliver in under half that. I strive to deliver ASAP but I quote long lead times incase life gets in the way so the quality doesnt suffer because Im trying to squeeze in the painting.
4. If it required custom modeling that may cost you as well and if its something we have to 3d print.. you dont want that getting too large because the 3d printing alone gets very expensive after about 2 inches.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I like people to know what they are getting into.
If your still interested, first see my website under commissions.
If still interested contact me directly.

If all you want is just a particular model in a particular size PM me and if its something I was planning on modeling anyway, I wont charge you for the modeling time and Ill bump it up in my que. You'll just have to wait a few weeks for me to get around to it. I did this for someone else wanting a larger Excalibur with more detail on the surface.
Ok for any interested(bored enough) here are the updated rules.
Only a few minor tweaks sofar. Ships like the Durango and southampton may seem a little overpowered compared to the midway and other dreadnaughts, but I designed it with certain styles of force projection being required for each different capship such that they are not too impossible to destroy, but adequate use of their resources makes them a very tough nut to crack. Besides, we've seen that the midway can easily be destroyed by a single Neph capmissile.

Sorry they arent PDF'ed as one document, something funky about my PDF printer wont collate an entire excel sheet. Also, appologies for the format, I find the rules fastest to reference in this format, but it is hard to learn in this format if you havent at least seen a single turn. Although, looking back on it I think the format reminds me of the way I used to program.

Core rules (PDF)

Ship Stats (PDF)

Wing Commander specific weapon counters (PDF)

And General (+ some BSG specific) weapon counters (PDF)

One could even play using ship counters similar to WCTO to get over the annoying cost of buying physical models if all you wanted was to try the game. Feedback and questions appreciated.
I have been looking for years for someone to make miniatures of Wing Commander cap ships and last weekend I found this thread. I went crazy and ordered like 20 different ships.

I did have two questions.

Do you have plans to do any of the WC3/WC4 Confed carriers (Victory/Vesuvius)?

Also you mentioned someone else made a Talahasse on Shapeways, but I have been unable to find it. Could you point me in the right direction as to where it is, or upload your to Shapeways so I can buy it :D

Really love all the work you have been doing, please keep it up.
I have been looking for years for someone to make miniatures of Wing Commander cap ships and last weekend I found this thread. I went crazy and ordered like 20 different ships.

I did have two questions.

Do you have plans to do any of the WC3/WC4 Confed carriers (Victory/Vesuvius)?

Well Im glad I saved someone the annoyed failed search I went through 6 months or so ago. Ive actually done that search like once a year for the past 3 years but finally got peeved enough to do something about it and start asking on forums rather than giving up after a few hours of silent searching.

Anyway. I do plan to do a victory and Vesuvius soon'ish (probably within 2 months) You can find the Talahase spelled exactly as that on shapeways. (I dont know the proper spelling but thats how he did it) I talked with the guy, andstrauss I believe, and he has no problem with me putting up a higher detailed version, but since his is there, and I can paint most of the detail his model lacks, I have low motivation to do a Tallahassee before other ships like some of the WC3 and 4 core ships.

Another word of warning , my ship scales arent always correct, IE the durango is too big, but I like it that big because its easier to paint. If anyone wants it smaller I can make a smaller version of it.

Happy hunting!
I have actually been look for things like thats off an on for like 5 years. Every year or 6 months I would think surely I should be able to find some and like you found spend a few hours silently searching till finally giving up in frustration. (This was one of those times it is just this time my searching paid off)

I have no problems with the sizes from the pictures I've seen. I paint Battletech and Warhammer 40k minatures and the bigger and more detailed the better in my book.

I was able to find this while looking around Shapeways.

Looks like it could pass for a Confederation Class.

Also I saw you have put up a Fralthi II that Shapeways says cannot be printed. Is that because parts of the ship are 2 thin for them print?
I have no problems with the sizes from the pictures I've seen. I paint Battletech and Warhammer 40k minatures and the bigger and more detailed the better in my book.

Looks like it could pass for a Confederation Class.

Also I saw you have put up a Fralthi II that Shapeways says cannot be printed. Is that because parts of the ship are 2 thin for them print?

Indeed I would like bigger ships to paint but they get prohibitively expensive, so I accept these little guys. Ahhh what I could do with a 20 cm long model... Drool.

If you check out my webpage gallery (thirdfatecreations) you'll see several warhammer and battletech models. Though the shards are some of my favorites.

The fralthi 2 is printable... its not cleanable in detail material. This means that After I get my detail proof uncleaned, I will unlock it in SWF. I apologize for this (as I hate SWF) but until they have a process in place to allow people other than the creator to get models uncleaned, some of my models will only be available in swf.

As one of their help guys said, I seem to keep pushing the bounds of what their 3d printers can do.... which basically means I need to learn how to design better. And if any SW guys are reading this, especially the tech support guys.. Thank you so much for your indulgence in the many problems I keep causing. =)
For those interested in the studio bergstrom ships, I just got my batch in.
The arrow is a little smaller than I expected (I rendered it... so stupid me) while the kitty light fighter is a bit too large, again my stupid. I think the arrow is appropriately small but the kitty fighter is definitely over sized .The main reason for the sizes is I generally want to optimize them for painting.
The rapier and dralthi turned out great IMO.

That being said, I love how they all turned out.

Beware the sharp pins, id recommend a dremmel to the ends. then perhaps crimp a small bit of brass tubing at the ends for the weapon muzzles/cowls.

And the models arrived very clean of flash and other typical messes you get with cast parts.
Anyway. I do plan to do a victory and Vesuvius soon'ish (probably within 2 months) You can find the Talahase spelled exactly as that on shapeways. (I dont know the proper spelling but thats how he did it) I talked with the guy, andstrauss I believe, and he has no problem with me putting up a higher detailed version, but since his is there, and I can paint most of the detail his model lacks, I have low motivation to do a Tallahassee before other ships like some of the WC3 and 4 core ships.

I see you put up the Vesuvius. Any idea what materials it will be printable in eventually?
I see you put up the Vesuvius. Any idea what materials it will be printable in eventually?

hehe, tehehehaha. *internal frustrated maniacal laughter*. ok im better now.
Im not sure how to answer this, though it seems such a straight forward question.

Thus far the only models that are only printable in SWF is the orca destroyer(neph), and this is mainly because it has protrusions that are very long and skinny
HOWEVER, There is some strange errors im getting with shapeways saying many of my models with large internally contained volumes are not "cleanable" Im working with them to figure this out. But... here are the facts

-Every single model except the orca Ive been able to get printed in detail for myself.(unless i remember incorrectly)
-I am not "allowed" to offer some of these models in detail because it requires an interruption in their process to skip the cleaning step (presently this is true of the steltek carrier, fralthi2, and heavy cruiser) Though honestly I don't get it. Ive often had to beef up the designs to make them "cleanable" which drives cost up which I try to avoid. But they have now kindly interrupted the process for me a couple times.
-we are working to figure out what exactly I need to do to make such models printable and cleanable.

as an aside, do you think the guns are too large for the Vesuvius? I was considering scaling them down but if I do they will be little bumps like on the midway, as it is they will barey be printable
I just received two of the orders I placed at Shapeways a few day ago (Strangely it was my 2nd and 3rd orders not my larger 1st one) and I must again say I am impressed with how much detail you were able to put into the designs. Since I had never ordered any 3d-printed miniatures before I was unsure how much cleaning they would need, but I was surprised that they really did not need any. I really like how you were able to work the details into the wings of the Kilrathi fighters. Hopefully my larger 1st order will be delivered this week, weather permitting.

as an aside, do you think the guns are too large for the Vesuvius? I was considering scaling them down but if I do they will be little bumps like on the midway, as it is they will barey be printable

As for the Vesuvius, personally while the turrets do look to big to me I would still get it in a heartbeat just to have it. The detail material and their placing on the model look like they should be easy to remove with a hobby knife if they really bother me. In game I always had to look harder to see the turrets on the cap ships so I tend to think the same way about the miniatures, especially since she is a carrier so the flight deck should be the part that stands out on her not her guns (destroyers and cruisers are a different story, with them their guns should stand out, it is what they are there for). Again this is all my personal opinion and I will still buy one the moment Shapeways lets me.
I just received two of the orders I placed at Shapeways a few day ago (Strangely it was my 2nd and 3rd orders not my larger 1st one)

Sadly I am very familiar with this phenomena.
Ive had several orders split up and sent with a separate order arriving in between.
Ive taken a stance of as long as I get it in a relatively timely manner in good quality Im happy. Because they print in large batches, mixing lots of orders into one printing, this can do funny things to their delivery schedule. If it ever gets past the 2wks they promise send them a kind email asking whats up with order #XXXX.

Id recommend you still take a toothpick and carefully trace out the details as this often makes them cleaner and sharper... Although, my most recent order was cleaner than any I had before. But Im picky and always find gel left over. Perhaps because I know every last bit of detail that should be present and want to see it.

I hope the models serve you well. Ive got a whole bunch painted though itll be a while till I have time to take pictures of them. =)
Anybody know around when the Bergstrom's are going to be available? I check back every day but they never give you any idea of when they'll be ready! I need me a Hornet! Actually I think I'll buy all four of their Wing Commander models.
Anybody know around when the Bergstrom's are going to be available? I check back every day but they never give you any idea of when they'll be ready! I need me a Hornet! Actually I think I'll buy all four of their Wing Commander models.

Email him, He is a nice guy and will give you a straight answer.
Ok, an "after action report" has been thrown together for the wing commander tabletop game at genghis con xxxii. I would just post it here but that would be a lot of attachments. Instead, Ill link to my website that houses an 8 meg webpage archive file so most browsers shouldn't have a problem with it.

If your bored enough to read it, have fun!

edit: I appear to only be able to open this with exploerer. Thats irritating.
Heres a PDF version

Or just hop over to this page, now that ive taken the time to upload most of the report to Another CIC Post

Summary... I had a blast as the human element of multiple commanders can make for some interesting shifts in outcome. For the record, as a bug, I will say I hate stealth fighters. The rules got simplified a bit for the game as I designed the rules to be more for smaller fleets. This was a little ridiculously large, especially once the torpedoes and missiles started flying. approximately 20 UBW/confed squadrons, 10 kilrathi squadrons, and around 60 nephilim squadrons got waxed. In the end the Nephilim lost thanks to the Steltek, after the rest of the coalition whittled down the bugs.

I hope the other players had fun.


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I don't know that I could ever get into table top gaming of this scale but this looks amazing!