

Mpanty's bane
Good morning everyone!

I just had pancakes for breakfast, the North American ones. That's a rare treat I offer myself from time to time, (also depending on my girlfriend's willingness to make me some :p). Of course I had them with Maple syrup.

But: I didn't eat them as a fancy tower as it is shown here as being typical, you know when 10 pancakes are on top of each other. I ate them spread out on my plate, three at a time (though the last one is still in front of me...).

I just wondered: is that some sort of blasphemy? Do you have to eat pancakes as a tower? Or is it just nice to look at but everyone else spreads them out too?
Heh :)

I eat them like you too...
I spread across the plate, two to three at a time, spread some Maple syrup over them and dig in... :D

although in our house, I'm the one making them pancakes...
A stack of pancakes is hard for me to wolf down.

Thats why I stick to the stack of bacon.
Well, I just had lunch in my favorite restaurant and ended up eating a bit too much for my sake... I'm so full that looking at those pancakes is really rubbing me the wrong way. Man, I don't wanna see food in front of me anytime soon... :o
How can someone be disappointed by edible pancakes?

So, it does not seem that the panckes must be eaten as a stack, I am relieved.

It may sound weird, and even gross until you've tried it, but you haven't lived until you've had a greasy buttery syrupy artery-clogging pile of Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles all mixed on the same plate. (...)

Yes, it sound very weird, yet I already ate chicken in honey so I guess it's not that different.

ps. Waffles > Pancakes

I would put them on the same level of awesomeness.
I think they are not comparable. There are times for each variety. Though I do eat crêpes a lot more often. It's a shame but I think I've only eaten the German pancake version once in my life. I am going to change that!
Mmmmmm Pancakes.

Have you ever had IHOP's Chocolate Chip Pancakes? Most of the time I like plain pancakes with maple syrup (no fruit toppings or anything) but sometimes I get the taste for these delicious creations. They are made from chocolate batter and have chocolate chips also cooked into them. When you get the pancakes the chocolate chips are halfway melted. They come with a good helping of whipped cream on top and taste good with maple syrup added. The only bad thing is that they are very filling, more so than regular pancakes. I've never been able to eat a full order.
Mmmm...taste like Dralthi IVs


Belgian Waffles with fresh strawberries and heavy whipped cream are un-frackin-believable!

Pancakes are good when made by the dozens ;-)
heh, this thread makes me want to go to a restaurant tomorrow morning and have a nice unhealthy breakfast. Usually I just have oatmeal but tomorrow... yes, yes tomorrow I will go have some of 'em chocolate chip pancakes. That or a Belgian waffle. Oh that's a hard choice.

Whadya think my fellow Wingnuts? Chocolate Chip Pancakes or Strawberry Belgian Waffle?
Dralthi Waffles:


I don't eat pancakes in stacks, either - I'm not sure anyone does. It would make properly syrup/butter/topping-ing them very hard. They may only be *served* in stacks...
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I stack them for convenient cutting, but it's purely for practical reasons, not any particular aesthetic ones. Why go to three (or more) different pieces to chop them up instead of getting them all in one set of cuts? :)