Origins of the Church of Man


Was it ever mentioned in Privateer what exactly brought about the Retro movement, or what events and individuals pioneered the cult?

It is puzzling how an "organization" like the Church of Man can arise and evolve so quickly, and yet their fanaticism seems to surpass even that of the Kilrathi. If you don't believe me then you obviously have not tried negotiating with them -- the old #3 communication eventually converts hostiles to friendlies -- pirates, Confeds, and KILRATHI alike...but not the Retros. And if you do see a Church of Man fanatic with blue brackets around their ship, you got a hacked, ripped-off version of Privateer, my friend...

IMHO, the bartender said it best -- "I think I've got these Retros figured out. They're nuts!"
They are just another freak cult, no one knows their origin, only their *homeworld* in Eden and his leader *Mordechai Jones* This info from RF), and their vendetta against Hunter Toth, and their dislike for the technology (that is why they use spaceships :))
AFAIK they aren´t a new group they could be there (in Gemini) a long time ago, the last Gemini Governor, Menesch, was the one who sold them thos Talons.
Didn't the Retros worship a god called Gaia? And at the Gaia temple, what were those two tentacle creatures beside the temple structure? Were they actually living creatures?
They seem to worship some sort of Eye.

Their base of operations is on the planet Gaea, in the Eden system. I love the bloodied look of the place once you defeat Mordecai Jones.
Just so we’re clear, Gaea and Gaia are one and the same–the Earth goddess, the mother of the Titans in Greek mythology.