Open Source Space Flight Combat sim

oh.. the ship render/lodding is working

little techie demo

you'll also see a lot of place holder files in /data/root_op/sector and /starsys/...

as the ship moves away it's lod will decrease automatically - under normal conditions the LOD distances would be values that wouldn't let you notice the difference between lods, so i kicked them down a bit to let it be seen

if you want to hack the LOD distances there in the centurion-confed.opship file in /data/root_op/ships/
I love it when bugs go *CRUNCH*

i just wrote the code the generate the collision meshes [recursive bb trees] and squashed all the bugs that cropped up :P they were good bugs too, subtle pointer arithmetic problems
those are fun to squash when you can find them... sometimes stuff is written RIGHT, and has those bugs... just cause you didnt predict that you'd be doing things differently than when you first wrote the buggy section. then its hard to find them, cause when you look at them you're like 'wtf this shouldn be happening, there is no good reason, everything works'... then you cry to yourself for 2 days being like WTF is going on... then you remember what you did a week before and are like 'omg i'm retarded, how did i not see that'...

btw, are you gonna go for an active lighting system? if so from the start (while its still ez) or later on?
