I think we hear someone say "Fralthi" in the first mission of WCP, so I guess that means there is an official pronounce... I guess Dralthi can't be that different.
Forgot about that . . how did they pronounce it? I always said "Frahl-thee" . . with a hard 'th'. However, I say "Kil-wrath-ee" with the hard, shortened 'a'.

And "vAck-Toth" with the emphasis on the hard 'a' and the 't'. And "Pack-tahn" . . . and "Sore-thack".
Just got UE working and played the first mission -- I agree with OverMortal, very nice indeed! I did a couple of "beauty passes" around the Dauntless and it felt just like old home week -- particularly since I just finished replaying WC1 earlier this week.

Again, a job well done!

-The Gneech :cool:
The only difference I see in the pronunciation from how I say them is for Kilrathi (ie 'Kill-raw-thee' and 'Kill-wrath-ee' - I tend to go with the former since their homeworld is pronounced Kill-raw).

and, that pronunciation key gives us insight into your accent, methinks? I don't think I've ever heard "Kilrah" pronounced with a 'w'. I also took into account your state of residence, which, from what I understand, is known for having accents just as thick as the people in my home state, NC.
I just put two words together that made the right sounds, 'kill' as in to cause something to cease living and 'raw' as in uncooked . . . the 'w' is silent.
Different characters in the WC series have used both pronunciations for Kilrathi.

Viper61 said:
I just put two words together that made the right sounds, 'kill' as in to cause something to cease living and 'raw' as in uncooked . . . the 'w' is silent.
Different characters in the WC series have used both pronunciations for Kilrathi.

AFAIK, only Tolwyn uses the "raw" sound; ev'body else pronounces it correctly, "kilRATHi"...
overmortal said:
I think Eisen, Blair, and Hawk all say "Kil-rah-thi" as opposed to "kil-wrath-i"

Wrong - I think; it depends on what pronunciation you were implying; it's unclear, so let me clarify. Therez 3 possibilities here (spelled phonetically):

(1) Kil - RA - thi
As in the word "wrath" (as pronounced in the USA, at least; not sure 'bout elsewhere). This is the most common one, since the origin of the term was because these aliens "kill with 'wrath' "

(2) Kil - RAH - thi
Softened AH sound, as in when you drink a cold one on a sticky, nasty summer day and say "Ahhhhhh...!"

(3)Kil - RAW - thi
Prolly the pronunciation favored by most uppercrust Brit types, (mebbe Tolwyn/Paladin?)

Hope that helps.
Oh boy...

I think the short vowel 'a' is one of the best examples of how English and American pronunciations differ. eg nasty: nah-stee vs na-stee. It niggled me how everyone said Dralthi in the WCM - I pronounce Dralthi as drahl-thee. (Gah, trying to write phonetically is a nightmare.)

Nevertheless, I don't believe I've ever encountered a Kilrathi being pronounced as kil-raw-thi. I usually go for option 2: kil-rah-thi, following English convention. Jazz's voice-actor was clearly American-speaking: "...history will be written by the Kil-ra-thi".

Unregistered said:
As in the word "wrath" (as pronounced in the USA, at least; not sure 'bout elsewhere).
Definitely American. The 'a' in wrath in English sounds more like the 'a' in father.
Not only did you bump an old thread, you did it to advertise Lipitor? I'm fairly certain you're going to burn in hell, just for that.
So if this thread has been bumped, does it mean I can now respond to 'old posts' within?

Here goes:
Wedge009 said:
Definitely American. The 'a' in wrath in English sounds more like the 'a' in father.
Depends where in England you come from. Loads of examples:
wrath or wrar-th
glass or glar-se
grass or grar-se
bath or bar-th (that's as in "I'm going to have a bath")

The former is more Northern England, the latter, Southern England.

The "wrath that sounds like the 'a' in father" that you're talking about is RP (Received Pronunciation) which tends to come from those in the South of England.

I'd imagine that Daphne (Mrs. Niles Crane from 'Frasier') will pronounce the cats as kiRAthi.

I'm in the middle of England so my speech is littered with a mix of north and south. I think I actually use both kilRARthi and kilRAthi interchangeably! :p

hey guys!

great job on UE!

I played it today for the first time. It kicks ass! Like in the good old days.

I know this doesnt fits in this thread but i had to say it
Percy said:
So if this thread has been bumped, does it mean I can now respond to 'old posts' within?
As far as we're concerned, you can bump all you want in the hosted forums. It's up to the local moderators to take action if they have a problem with it.