North Korea

You caught me, I get five dollars every time I point out something obvious at the Chat Zone.

I actually am interested in your opinion. (That's not me being nice in response - I was honestly wondering how you would chime in on the topic of N. Korea.)

Boston Globe - Rich nations allowed their Gov't to collapse making them desperate. Etc etc.

Seriously this kind of editorial is the same blind left wing bullshit that gets stuffed down our throat every day! Some other country goes criminal so its the United States' fault? Too stupid...

I'm a libertarian, which makes me right of center. (Economically. I am fairly socially liberal - I don't want the govt telling me I can't do X Y or Z to myself or any consenting individual.)

I believe the world owes you nothing - it was here before you. (that goes for pirates, or whoever else... if you're poor : deal with it. if you don't like how they deal with it : deal with that. Don't expect people to do things for *your* benefit.)

I haven't placed fault on anyone. I expressed that to get something, you have to give something else up.

I believe people in power are motivated by power and wealth, and that's what they are trying to accumulate - by one means or another - without ruining things for themselves.

What made you think I was leftist? Was it the fact that "I don't expect N.Korea (or anyone else) to gush over every demand the U.S. makes"?
Sorry, but if my rich neighbor comes along and says : "Cut down your tree, it's blocking my sun" - I'll say : "pay me".
I don't care how much he complains to the housing association, or how many people he knows at the county offices.
(And if he's a dick about it, I'll plant more trees...)

I'm a libertarian, which makes me right of center. (Econimically. I am fairly socially liberal - I don't want the govt telling me I can't do X Y or Z to myself or any consenting individual.)
I believe the world owes you nothing - it was here before you.

Loaf, he's all yours...
I actually am interested in your opinion. (That's not me being nice in response - I was honestly wondering how you would chime in on the topic of N. Korea.)

I like a lot fo the things Quarto says, though I don't agree with them all the way to the same conclusions he does (I don't think there's any tacit conspiracy). Mostly, though, I think the whole argument is a lot of pointless grandstanding. The ratio of actually caring about anything being discussed to jumping for an opportunity for pseudo-intellectual hyper-grandstanding internet-politiking is way way off. In short:

- Everyone who replied that the United States should attack/invade/nuke North Korea is a doofus.

- Everyone who feigned shock that anyone could possibly think this is an equally lame doofus.

- Everyone who is posting to this thread with the belief that they have a unique, interesting or important opinion about what must be done about/to/instead of North Korea is some lesser mode of doofus; this base level is then multipled by the number of inane historical allegories you made (I have not done the math, but I bet that the numbers are *not* with the guy going on about South Africa's nuclear programme). Level of apparent conviction is a factor here, too. If you *really* believe in the importance of this debate and your contribution to it... then you get a really big D.

So we're all doofuses in this thread.
say fuckin' nuke the little buggers. For reals.

I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill 'em all!

Stage gasp! As a truly diverse citizen of the world and one of the grand illuminated literati of our age I am offended to the maximum degree of feigned offense that you and everyone like you could think this way! I am certain that such deplorable cretins as yourself must be AMERICANS, and so I will say good day to you as I must drive my open source automobile to an fair trade software convention while listening to eco-friendly college rock.
The ratio of actually caring about anything being discussed to jumping for an opportunity for pseudo-intellectual hyper-grandstanding internet-politiking is way way off.

I could care less about talking fancy or trying to solve the problem, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
I'm not sure Starcraft 2 will be released at all if South Korea gets nuked, so we should probably obliterate North Korea as soon as possible just to be on the safe side.
I guess you don't care about Seoul, then.

Y'know, like the biggest SK city, and one that's well within range of NK artillery poised to turn the SK capital into so much rubble?
I am Korean and was born in America. You cannot trust North Korea. It is run by a bunch of criminals. South Korea dreads North Korea attacking them. They would shell Seoul, which is not too far from the DMZ Zone. North Korea is run by a bunch of thugs. I really despise Kim Jong-Il/Kim Il-Sung. :mad:
I actually am interested in your opinion. (That's not me being nice in response - I was honestly wondering how you would chime in on the topic of N. Korea.)

I'm a libertarian, which makes me right of center. (Economically. I am fairly socially liberal - I don't want the govt telling me I can't do X Y or Z to myself or any consenting individual.)

I believe the world owes you nothing - it was here before you. (that goes for pirates, or whoever else... if you're poor : deal with it. if you don't like how they deal with it : deal with that. Don't expect people to do things for *your* benefit.)

I haven't placed fault on anyone. I expressed that to get something, you have to give something else up.

I believe people in power are motivated by power and wealth, and that's what they are trying to accumulate - by one means or another - without ruining things for themselves.

What made you think I was leftist? Was it the fact that "I don't expect N.Korea (or anyone else) to gush over every demand the U.S. makes"?
Sorry, but if my rich neighbor comes along and says : "Cut down your tree, it's blocking my sun" - I'll say : "pay me".
I don't care how much he complains to the housing association, or how many people he knows at the county offices.
(And if he's a dick about it, I'll plant more trees...)


A single strike fighter could be capable of resolving this issue, but there are moral consequenses as well, and in general speaking, evil people hide behind that.